Academic Catalog 2019-2020

ENG 4063 Creative Nonfiction An advanced writing course focusing on creative nonfiction and the personal essay. (In rotation with ENG 3043 and ENG 4043) ENG 4073 Studies in Rhetoric An introduction to the study of classical and modern rhetoric, including special attention to invention, audience, organization, logic and style in persuasive prose. (On Demand) ENG 4213 Medieval Literature A study of major English and European writings from the 12th to the 16th centuries, in- cluding Chaucer. This course fulfills the general education literature requirement. (On De- mand) ENG 4223 Renaissance British Literature A study of selected authors, themes, and genres in 16th-century England, exclusive of Shake- speare. This course fulfills the general education literature requirement. (On Demand) ENG 4233 Shakespeare A study of selected major works of Shakespeare, the milieu of the English Renaissance, and issues of Elizabethan stagecraft. This course fulfills the general education literature requirement. (On Demand) ENG 4243 Eighteenth-Century British Literature A study of fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and drama by such authors as Dryden, Swift, Con- greve, Pope, Boswell, and Johnson. This course fulfills the general education literature requirement. (On Demand) ENG 4253 Nineteenth-Century British Literature A study of Romanticism and the Victorian Age, including poets and prose writers, and novelists. This course fulfills the general education literature requirement. (On Demand) ENG 4263 Nineteenth-Century American Literature A study of major writers of America’s Romantic period, including Dickinson, Emerson, Thoreau, Melville, Whitman, Hawthorne, and others. This course fulfills the general edu- cation literature requirement. (On Demand) ENG 4283 Twentieth-and Twenty-First-Century Literature A study of selected works representing Modernism and Postmodernism worldwide. This course fulfills the general education literature requirement. (On Demand) ENG 4403 English Seminar A small-group investigation of authors neglected in students’ previous coursework, of dif- ferent methods of literary criticism, of techniques for writing a scholarly critical essay, and of professional issues. (Every Spring) ENG 4503 Special Topics in Literature An intensive study of specific topics in order to gain in-depth knowledge and understand- ing. This course fulfills the general education requirement. (On Demand)


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