Academic Catalog 2018
THR 3123 American Musical Theatre A survey of the history of American musical theatre and the composers, librettists, direc- tors, and choreographers that contributed to the development of this distinctive theatrical form. (Alternate Years) THR 3133 Acting for Musical Theatre Acting for Musical Theatre is an experiential learning-based class involving class discus- sion, group and solo exercises, and scene work to prepare the student for musical theatre roles. Prerequisite: basic understanding of acting and singing. (On Demand) THR 3311, 3312, 3313 Internships in Theatre This course offers the student the opportunity to explore topics of interest under the direc- tion of a faculty member. Variable credit. Prerequisite: JR Standing. (On Demand) THR 4023 Directing II Advanced play analysis, theory and performance culminating in the direction of a play. Prerequisite: Directing I or Instructor’s Permission (Alternate Years) THR 4033 Survey of Dramatic Literature An analysis of selected great plays from the classic Greek to contemporary experiment. Prerequisite: JR Standing or Instructor’s Permission. (Alternate Years) THR 4053 Senior Seminar A semester long capstone project (selected in cooperation with the faculty) and written pa- pers/presentations designed to demonstrate the graduating senior’s mastery of the knowl- edge and skills expected of a theatre program graduate. (On Demand) THR 4063 Script Writing Theory and practice in writing dramatic scripts. Prerequisite: JR Standing and Instructor’s Exploring fundamental techniques of improvisation through the use of games and exercises to sharpen the student actor’s sensory awareness of self and others. Prerequisite: Acting I and Acting II or permission of instructor. (On Demand) THR 4363 Stage Management A project-oriented discussion class designed to introduce the student to the field of stage management. (Alternate Years) THR 4501, 4502, 4503 Special Topics in Theatre An intensive study of special topics in order to gain in-depth knowledge and understanding. (On Demand) See criteria for internships in this catalog (On Demand) THR 3501, 3502, 3503 Directed Study in Theatre Permission. (On Demand) THR 4213 Improvisation
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