Academic Catalog 2018

SOC 2203 Criminology (same as CRJ 2203) The course dealswith the nature of crime, statistics, etc. Prerequisite: SOC1013 or CRJ 2013. SOC 3013 Sociology of the Family (Same as PSY 2053) This course is a broad based study of the family that specifically focuses on contemporary shifts in the modern American family structure. Significant attention is paid to social his- torical context, cultural diversity, and economic conditions that bear on family life. The emotional and behavioral aspects of marriage and family life such as love, communica- tion, and conflict are considered, and problems including intimate violence, child abuse, poverty, separation, and divorce are explored. The decision to have children is discussed as is the experience of parenthood including roles and relationships of parent and children. Prerequisites: PSY 1013. (Spring) SOC 3014 Social Research Methods - Traditional Program (same as CRJ/PSY 3014) An introduction to the concepts and methods associated with the practice of modern social inquiry. Concepts addressed include but are not limited to sampling, construct operation- alization, research design, data collection, methods of analysis, and the dissemination of results. Also discussed are such enduring issues as reliability, validity, and research ethics. Prerequisite: PSY/SOC 1013 and Co-requisite or Prerequisite: MAT 2023 SOC 3023 Theories in Social Deviance (Same as CRJ 3023) A survey of contemporary theories and concepts used to analyze, understand, and explain social deviance and its consequences for individuals and society. Includes a presentation of several contemporary forms of deviant behavior that currently attract the attention of major societal institutions. SOC 3083 Social Psychology (same as PSY 3083) This course is a study of behavior in social contexts, including interpersonal attraction, group dynamics, leadership, conformity, and a host of additional social psychology con- structs and theories. It is recommended that an introductory course in psychology be taken before this course. It is the intent of this course to introduce you to those variables and relationships that describe and even predict human behavior as influenced by the presence of others. Clearly we are social beings desiring interaction with others and sometimes avoiding this same interaction. We are motivated to provide a helping hand to some while equally energized to act aggressively toward others. We form opinions and attitudes about other individuals and groups with limited amounts of information, yet we often work very hard to insure that others form a desirable opinion of us by feeding excessive amounts of information into our social settings. We seek to persuade and to lead and are also persuaded and led. We find ourselves attracted to some but not to others. This course will address all of these issues and more as we review the accumulated knowledge about human behavior as constructed by social psychologists through the application of the scientific method. Prerequisites: PSY 1013. (Spring) SOC 3093 Social Research Methods for the Online Program (Same as CRJ/HSE/ PSY/SOC 3093) It is the intent of this course to introduce you to the tools and techniques of inquiry in the social sciences. During the term you will be exposed to the vocabulary, the generally accepted yet varied methods, and the potential sources of error associated with the inves- tigation of social phenomena. We will discuss the constructs of sampling, measurement, research design, and data analysis as well as the very important process of forming a mean- ingful and rigorous research question. Such constructs as reliability, validity, error, etc. will


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