Academic Catalog 2018
PSY 3143 Psychology of Criminal Behavior (same as CRJ/HSE 3143) This course will provide the student with psychological and psychosocial explanations of crime. Students will explore specific psychological aspects that contribute to criminal and deviant behavior such as personality disorders, impulse control disorders, developmental dis- orders, and substance abuse disorders. Prerequisite or Co-requisite: CRJ 2013 or CRJ 2203. PSY 3153 Psychology of Leadership This course addresses the major theories of leadership from the perspective of the dis- cipline, psychology. Emphasis will be placed on developing an appreciation as well as a working knowledge of contemporary leadership theories and in the broadening of this knowledge through the juxtaposition of psychological principles such as social influence, personality, and group dynamics. (Odd Spring) PSY 3413 Human Sexuality (Same as HEA 3413) This course is a study of the biological, social, and personal aspects of human sexual iden- tity and behavior. (Fall) PSY 3501, 3502, 3503 Directed Study in Psychology This is a specialized course of study for qualified students. Prerequisites: JR standing, and instructor’s approval. PSY 4013 Tests and Measurements This course provides the student of behavioral sciences with a basic foundation in the com- ponents of psychological assessment. The course addresses basic psychological assess- ment concepts and develops an awareness of the variety of assessment instruments that are available. Students become familiar with the components of the assessment of personality and cognitive ability and discuss the professional and ethical standards and social issues in assessment. Prerequisites: PSY/SOC 3013 and MAT 2023. (Even Fall) PSY 4033 Learning and Cognition This course will provide a broad yet detailed study of the learning process, learning theory in its historical perspective, and will develop skills in the application of learning theory to current issues. This study is augmented by integrating learning theory with multiple con- structs found in cognitive psychology including judgment, memory, perception, attention, categorization, and problem solving. JR standing. (Even Fall) PSY 4043 History and Systems This course is a study of the historical development and contemporary status of psychol- This course is an overview of the major theories of counseling as well as practical tech- niques and information for the counselor-in-training. Personal attributes of counselors are considered as are important theoretical issues. As each theoretical approach is discussed, its strengths and limitations are identified in general and as they relate to multicultural situations. Students in this class are expected to become knowledgeable about the various theoretical approaches and begin to apply them to a hypothetical client. Prerequisites: PSY 3043 and JR standing. (Odd Spring) PSY 4063 Group Dynamics This class is a study of the history, processes, and dynamics involved in groups. It will review the theories of group intervention, the stages of group development, the necessary group leadership skills, and the process of leading groups for special populations. Ethical ogy. Prerequisites: JR standing. (Even Spring) PSY 4053 Counseling and Psychotherapy
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