Academic Catalog 2018
NUR 5203 Strategies for Curriculum and Instruction Strategies for effective classroom, clinical, and online instruction are explored. Students develop a lesson plan based on objectives and expected outcomes. NUR 5232 Practicum in Teaching Under the supervision of an approved mentor, stu- dents complete 150 hours in an educational setting that provides opportunities to develop, deliver, and evaluate an instructional unit integrating previously learned theories. Students will engage in professional role development and the acceptance of faculty responsibilities. NUR 5303 Management Theory and Leadership Philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of leadership and management are explored, and used to develop the framing documents (philosophy, purpose, mission statement) of a health care agency. NUR 5323 Seminar in Leadership This course addresses the process of evaluation for the various components of a health care agency. Methods and techniques of evaluation are explored. The role of a nurse leader in a health care setting is addressed. NUR 5332 Practicum in Leadership Under the supervision of an approved mentor, students complete 150 hours in a practice setting that provides opportunities to participate in the various aspects of the leadership role, integrating previously learned theories. Students will engage in professional role de- velopment.
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