Academic Catalog 2018
of cells, tissues, and organs, including the chemical and physical factors involved in these processes. Pathophysiology is the study of the physiological changes associated with ill- ness and the mechanisms through which the body attempts to maintain homeostasis when confronted by disease. It is perhaps the most highly integrative basic science taught as part of medical education, involving aspects of anatomy, microanatomy, biochemistry, math- ematics and physics. At the heart of physiology is the development of problem-solving skills, the ability to analyze data from various sub-disciplines that physiology comprises and come to some conclusion regarding the physiological state of the patient in question. Pathophysiology is more explanatory than descriptive-the ability to describe why the signs, NUR 5111 The Physical Exam Skills module provides instruction and demonstration in the principles and practical skills required to perform a complete physical examination (adolescence to old age) with interpretation of the findings. Normal physical findings will be emphasized throughout the course. Variants of normal and common abnormal physical findings will be introduced. NUR 5112 Health Assessment Didactic NUR 5112 provides a framework for systematic collection, organization, interpretation, integration, and communication of data reflecting the health status of individuals from adolescents to older adults. A holistic perspective facilitates an analysis of developmental, psychosocial, and cultural factors that are integral to an understanding of an individual’s physical and psychosocial well-being. This course is presented in two modules: (1) history The goals of pharmacology are to provide the students with a basic knowledge and under- standing of the actions of drugs to enable them to utilize therapeutic agents in a rational and responsible manner in the treatment of patients. Initially, basic principles of pharmacology will be presented, including absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs by the body. The concept of drug – drug interactions will also be presented with appro- priate examples. Following the presentation of basic concepts, the pharmacology of the autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular system, respiratory, endocrine and reproductive systems will be presented. Antimicrobial and Antiviral agents will also be discussed as well as various miscellaneous but important other drugs (e.g. NSAIDS). NUR 5123 Primary Care of Infants, Children and Adolescents Didactic A lecture/discussion course covering the primary care management of infants, children and adolescents across the health-illness continuum. It emphasizes health maintenance and illness prevention and also covers major causes of morbidity. A family-centered devel- opmental perspective is used in the assessment and management of common acute and chronic conditions from infancy through your adulthood. The focus is on strategies for this population in rural and underserved areas. NUR 5124 Primary Care of Infants, Children and Adolescents Practicum A clinical course covering the primary care management of infants, children and adoles- cents across the health-illness continuum. It emphasizes health maintenance and illness prevention and also covers major causes of morbidity. A family-centered developmental symptoms and treatments are what they are. NUR 5111 Health Assessment Practicum taking; and, (2) physical exam skills. NUR 5113 Advanced Pharmacology
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