Academic Catalog 2018-2019
ONLINE LEARNING POLICY Bluefield College offers online education through eLearning as a method for increasing educational opportunities for students. The College encourages active learning and contact between students and faculty through diverse methods of learning. We are committed to providing a challenging, engaging, and invigorating learning environment and graduating students who adapt readily to a changing world. We believe online coursework enables us to further our global impact while maintaining small, personal classes with committed faculty. While online courses are a viable alternative for some students, online courses are not suited for all students. Students and their advisors should discuss what methods of delivery are most appropriate and best suited for the students to achieve the most optimal learning experience and environment. Enrollment in online courses is based upon certain assumptions: 1. Traditional classroom learning does not suit the needs of all learners due to work schedules, family obligations, and other commitments. Online coursework provides an opportunity for these learners to continue to progress academically. 2. Online and in-class courses may be used to meet the College’s graduation requirements provided that the courses have either been taken with the College or have been accepted in transfer by the College. 3. Online student learning outcomes are equivalent to those of the same courses taught on campus in a classroom and will be assessed as such. Academic Program Department Chairs are responsible for publishing in course syllabi acceptable standards of learning, use of resources, limits of collaboration, and appropriate forms of online and/or proctored testing. Any course designed for online delivery must fit the online learning format and should have a defensible rationale for using such materials, and must maintain the integrity and quality as anticipated from an in-class offering. Traditional students may enroll in an online course if the following circumstances are met: • The course is not offered in an in-class format that semester OR the course is offered in an in-class format but the course and all sections of that same course are full • AND the student’s advisor approves the student to take an online course as it best meets the educational needs and capabilities of the student. Students may enroll in an online course without being admitted to an academic degree program, but students are encouraged to consider selecting an academic program. Financial Aid is not available to non-degree seeking students. Students must have the necessary computer skills to successfully complete all course work. Likewise, students must have the necessary computer access to include all computer system requirements. Students must recognize and understand the level of independent work required and the increased need for self-motivation to successfully complete online courses. Further, students must recognize and understand their learning style as it relates to online learning modalities.
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