Academic Catalog 2018-2019
TRANSFER CREDIT Transfer students must submit official transcripts of credits earned, from all institutions of higher education previously attended, directly to the Bluefield College Office of Enrollment Management. Prior to the student’s enrollment, an evaluation of transfer credit will be completed by the transfer counselor, in conjunction with the Registrar’s office and faculty, to determine which courses will apply toward the student’s degree program and which courses will apply only as elective credit. A minimum of one-year residency to include successful completion of at least 32 hours of Bluefield College coursework, is required for all degrees. The College reserves the right to evaluate all transfer credits in terms of its own institutional standards. Credit hours transferred are used toward fulfilling graduation requirements. Transfer grade point averages (GPAs) are used in calculating graduation honors. Course work transferred or accepted for credit toward an undergraduate degree must represent collegiate course work relevant to the degree, with course content and level of instruction resulting in student competencies at least equivalent to those of students enrolled in the institution’s own undergraduate degree programs, and except as noted below must be from institutions holding regional accreditation at the time of the student’s enrollment. Up to 90 semester hours of work may be accepted for transfer from institutions accredited by an accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the U.S. Department of Education. A grade of C- or higher must be earned for a course to be considered for transfer credit. Students must earn a minimum of 36 semester hours at Bluefield College. COURSES AT ANOTHER INSTITUTION Current students must apply for permission to take any work at another institution for transfer back to Bluefield College. A request to take such a course must be submitted to the Registrar, who in conjunction with faculty, will then approve or disapprove the request in writing. Students may obtain a Transient Course Approval Form from the Registrar’s Office or from MyBC. ACADEMIC STANDING ACADEMIC POLICY ON PROBATION, CONTINUING PROBATION, AND ACADEMIC SUSPENSION Students admitted to the college are expected to maintain satisfactory academic stand- ing, which requires a cumulative quality point average of 2.0 (C) or better in their total pro- gram of courses and minimum 2.0 in the course work of their major areas of specialization. Academic Probation The Office of the Registrar reviews the academic progress of students at the end of each semester and places those students who fail to maintain a cumulative GPA higher than the minimum level required (see scale below) onAcademic Probation. Academic Probation indicates a student’s continued enrollment at Bluefield College is in jeopardy. The College desires to see the student succeed and will make available varied academic support services to assist the student toward improved performance; however, the primary responsibility
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