Academic Catalog 2018-2019
The student must have at least a 2.0 overall GPA to apply for an internship placement, and approval for the internship is required from the supervising faculty member. Individual departments may have more stringent academic requirements for internship involvement, and they may, in addition, have specific departmental career development programs that differ from the internship program. Program Description In consultation with an academic advisor and the supervising faculty member, a student is assigned to an internship setting. These settings may be on or off campus, depending upon the academic College or School, the Department and student interest. The student should realize that while the majority of internships are unpaid, some internship opportunities may include compensation. For each semester hour of credit, the student is expected to do 45 hours of work. The “work hours” include preparation and training time, work assignments, written reports, and evaluation procedures. Academic Requirements The student is expected to spend the designated amount of time involved for the credit earned. Each supervising faculty will give clear, written instructions as to what is expected of the student in the way of documentation, assigned reading, and/or production of final written materials for the internship credit. The on-site supervisor may also require specific training, assigned readings and/or written reports for the successful performance of the internship. The student and supervising faculty are expected to confer on a regular basis (at least biweekly) regarding the progress of the internship. The student will also meet all conference requirements of the on-site supervisor. Grading Policies The internship grade will be based on the mutual evaluation procedure agreed upon by the supervising faculty member, the on-site supervisor, and the student. In the case of internships that are based on the campus of Bluefield College, the on-site supervisor and supervising faculty may be one and the same. Each individualized grading policy will be presented to the student in writing at the beginning of registration, and a copy is kept by the supervising faculty member. Participating Institutions The participating institution will be responsible to see that the intern receives as broad and as deep an experience as possible. The on-site supervisor will cooperate with the supervising faculty in seeing that students are involved for the required amount of time and will make every effort to see that students receive the training and support necessary to function effectively in their required tasks. The on-site supervisor will also provide feedback and final evaluation to the supervising faculty regarding the intern’s performance, which will serve as a partial basis for the assignment of grades. The supervising faculty will provide the on-site supervisor with a quantitative scale on which to make that judgment. Termination of Internship An internship may be terminated after conference between the student, the supervising faculty, and the on-site supervisor. Clearly, this is not the intent of this program or Bluefield
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