Academic Catalog 2018-2019
present during fact-finding only. Deliberations based upon presentations and written records shall be closed to all except committee members. 4. The committee’s decision will be determined by majority vote and shall be binding upon both parties. Within three weeks of receipt of a complaint, the committee will communicate its findings in writing to both parties, and a copy will be filed in the Academic Affairs Office. The VPAA will be responsible for enforcing the commit- tee’s decision. 5. The ad hoc committee shall serve as the academic appeals committee for the remain- der of the academic year. Should a member have a conflict of interest with a subse- quent case, the VPAA will appoint an alternate. REPEATING COURSES Students may repeat courses with grades below an “A” (tuition costs will be applied). No course may be taken more than twice without permission from the Vice President for Academic Affairs. All attempts will be recorded on the permanent record along with the grades received. For all repeated courses, only the last attempt will be used for determining GPA and the hours completed for graduation, even if the last attempt is a lower grade. An “R” and an asterisk (*) will be used on the transcript to designate repeated courses. AUDITING COURSES Students who audit courses are not held responsible for the work and receive no grade or credit. A course which is audited cannot change to a credit course nor can a credit course be changed to an audit course after the add period. Audits may be in addition to the regular course load. DEVELOPMENTAL COURSES (MAT 0113 and MAT 0123) Developmental courses are courses used to prepare students for college-level courses. Theses courses may serve as pre-requisites for certain college-level course at Bluefield College; however, they will not count toward the 120 credits needed for graduation. SUMMER COURSES A variety of classes are offered during two eight-week summer sessions. In addition to college students, high school juniors and seniors with a “B” average or higher and principal’s recommendation may take courses for college credit. ADVANCED PLACEMENT CREDIT Advanced placement and academic credit toward a degree may be granted to students who receive a grade of three, four, or five on the Advanced Placement Examinations of the College Entrance Examination Board. Students with a grade of three will receive a maximum of three semester hours of credit. Students receiving grades of four and five may receive up to six semester hours credit. Credit is awarded only in those fields applicable to the Bluefield curriculum. Information about these examinations can be obtained from the College Board Advanced Placement Examination, P. O. Box 977, Princeton, NJ 08540.
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