Academic Catalog 2018-2019
IV. Full-time Independent Study (student teaching, practicum) If a student’s academic activity is essentially full-time (as in student teaching), one semester credit hour may be awarded for each week of work. V. Professional Training At its discretion, the institution may award credit hours for learning acquired outside the institution which is an integral part of a program of study. When life or work training is to be credited as a concurrent portion of an academic program design, as in an internship, one semester credit hour will be awarded for each 40-45 clock- hour week of supervised academic activity that provides the learning considered necessary to program study. A maximum of 60 semester hours may be earned through professional training. VI. Credit by Examination At its discretion, the institution may award semester hour credits for mastery demonstrated through credit-by-examination. When such credit by examination is allowed, it may be used to satisfy degree requirements or to reduce the total number of remaining hours required for a degree. A maximum of 30 semester hours towards a Bachelor’s Degree, and a maximum of 15 hours towards an Associate’s Degree may be earned through credit by examination. VII. Short Sessions Credit hours may be earned in short sessions (summer sessions, intersessions, etc.) proportionately to those earned for the same activity during a regular term of the institution, normally at no more than one credit per week of full-time study. ADDING CLASSES With the exception of online and summer classes, a student may add courses during the first five business days of each semester. Registration for an online course ends one week prior to the start of the class. Registration for summer courses ends on the third day of the term. The sixth day of each fall, spring or summer semester is considered the official day of enrollment. A student may add classes through the student portal (MyBC) on the Bluefield College website or by submitting an Add form to the Registrar located in BC Central. DROPPING CLASSES Traditional Face to Face Classes: A student may drop a class during the first five business days of the semester and this course will not become a part of the student’s permanent academic record. After the first five business days and up to the deadline to drop a class, a grade of “W” is issued. Once a student attends the first class it is his or her responsibility to drop the course by officially notifying the Registrar’s Office in writing. Dropping a course without official notification earns a grade of “F.” The last day to drop this type of course with grade of “W” is referenced on theAcademic Calendar under theAcademic tab on the college’s homepage. Courses dropped within the first five business days will not be charged to student’s account. Refunds are not given for individually dropped courses after the first five business days (see Tuition and Fees section – Refunds on p. 27). Students who seek to drop the following fundamental skills classes, in which they are enrolled, must get their advisors to initial a drop/add form, which then must be submitted to the Registrar in the BC Central office:
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