Academic Catalog 2018-2019
GRADE OF INCOMPLETE A grade of incomplete (“I”) may be considered when the student has completed a minimum of 75% of a course and cannot complete the remaining 25% due to extenuating circumstances. Such circumstances include illness, death, loss of job, complications with pregnancy, emergencies, and military service. The student must submit a completed Request for Incomplete form to the instructor before the last day of the course. If the prescribed extenuating circumstances warrant an incomplete, the instructor will submit the completed form to the Registrar’s Office and copy the student. The instructor must respond within two weeks of receiving the request. The Request for Incomplete form is available on MyBC under the Student Tab. The course must be completed by mid-term of the next semester or the “I” automatically changes to an “F.” COURSE LOAD The load for a full time student is 12-18 hours per semester. Any students wishing to enroll for more than 18 semester hours must have a Bluefield College cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater. A student with a BC cumulative GPA lower than a 3.0 may petition to enroll for more than 18 semester hours by submitting a Request to Exceed Full Time Course Load to their Faculty Advisor. If Advisor approval is granted, the request is sent to the appropriate Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs for final approval. Note: (Additional tuition is charged for each hour in excess of 18). Students on probation are limited to 14 semester hours. Students who are taking fewer than 12 semester hours are considered part-time. Students who live in on-campus housing must be registered for a minimum of 12 semester hours. CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS Classification Semester Hours Completed Freshman 01-27 Sophomore 28-57 Junior 58-91 Senior 92+ Part-time Students: Students who are taking fewer than 12 semester hours of course work for credit. COURSE NUMBERING SYSTEM First digit: 0 000 - level of the course: Freshman 1000 Sophomore 2000 Junior-Senior 3000-4000 Second and Third digits: 0 00 0 - College/School identification Fourth digit: 000 0 - number of credit hours
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