Academic Catalog 2018-2019
MUS 1371 Variations MUS 1391 Praise Singers
1 SH 1 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH
MUS 1413 Music Appreciation (available for online students) MUS 1603 Fundamentals of Music Theory and Ear Training
MUS 1613 Theory I (with instructor permission)
THR 1413 Theatre Appreciation (available for online students)
THR 2023 Acting I
Speech – 3 SH COM 1023 Fundamentals of Speech (available for online students) 3 SH – Traditional Students 6 SH – Online Students* 6 SH – Online Nursing Students** MAT 1213 College Algebra I (available for online students) Math MAT 1233 Mathematics of Finance (available for online students) MAT 2023 Introduction to Statistics (available for online students) *(Online students are required to take 6 SH of College Algebra or above **(Online Nursing students are required to take this course) Macroeconomics – 3 SH BUS 2513 Principles of Macroeconomics (available for online students) MAT 1223 College Algebra II
3 SH
3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH
3 SH
Bluefield Core – 9 SH COR 1012 Invitation to Inquiry
2 SH 1 SH 2 SH 2 SH
COR 2001 Personal Wellness Lab (available for online students) COR 2002 Personal Wellness (available for online students)
COR 2012 Character Formation COR 3012 Civic & Global Response 2 SH Courses are subject to change based upon enrollment and faculty to teach Degree Requirements B.A. Six hours of second year foreign language 6 SH B.S. One additional mathematics course 6 – 7 SH One additional science, laboratory science or math course **Online students in the Human Service, Organizational Leadership, and Criminal Justice majors are required to take the following for their general education requirements: 6 SH of Additional Area 6 SH of Christian Studies (3 SH must be CST 1103 taken at Bluefield College)
6 SH of English 3 SH of Fine Arts 3 SH of History 3 SH of Literature 6 SH of Math (MAT 1213 or higher) 2 SH of Personal Wellness 1 SH of Personal Wellness lab
4 SH of Science with lab 3 SH of Social Science
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