Academic Catalog 2018-2019
end of the semester for which you are applying for aid. If extenuating circumstances exist, you may schedule an appointment with a counselor to discuss your situation. 4. A revised award letter will be sent to the financial aid applicant if any awards change because of verification. The General Provisions of 34 CFR 668.14(f) of the Federal Register requires that Bluefield College ensure the consistency of the information related to a student’s applica- tion for federal student aid, regardless of the source of that information. All information received must be reconciled with one exception; if the applicant dies during the award year, the College is not required to pursue the resolution of conflicting data. If the Financial Aid Office has any conflicting information on an applicant, or believes an applicant’s application information is in error, it must resolve the discrepancies prior to disbursing any federal student aid. The requirement to resolve conflicting data is separate and distinct from the verification requirements and procedures, and supersedes any verifi- cation policies. Further, if a discrepancy is discovered after federal aid has been disbursed, it must be reconciled and the student will be required to repay any amount of aid received in excess of his or her eligibility. Important! If the Financial Aid Office suspects that a student, or other individual, has intentionally misreported information or altered documentation to fraudulently obtain fed- eral financial aid funds, the office can report its suspicions, and will provide the evidence, to the Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Education, for review. The U.S. Department of Education continues to move to a more individualized verifica- tion process where only certain elements of the verification are performed on particular students. This means that Bluefield College will not require the same documentation from each student. Instead, the College will require only documentation that is relevant to the individualized verification. You will be notified by e-mail (to your BC email address) of the individual forms you will need to complete. You may also see your required forms in your MyBC account. Additional documentation may cause unnecessary delays in process- ing your financial aid file. Only submit forms as requested by the Financial Aid Office.
All verification items must be submitted to: Bluefield College 3000 College Avenue Bluefield, VA 24605 Fax: 276.326.4356 Which Documents Do I Submit?
Tax Returns are no longer accepted for verification purposes. Students and parents must submit a tax return transcript from or use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) when completing the FAFSA. 2018-2019 Financial Aid Year – Fall 2018, Spring 2019, and Summer 2019 Forms that may be requested by the Financial Aid Office (only submit requested forms):
• V1 Dependent Verification Worksheet – Standard Verification. • V1 Independent Verification Worksheet – Standard Verification.
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