Academic Catalog 2018-2019
CHECK CASHING AND RETURNED CHECK POLICIES As a service to students, BC Central will cash one check of up to $50 per day. Students are encouraged to establish an account at a local bank while attending Bluefield College to take care of banking needs. A fee of $35 will be imposed to the student’s account for all checks returned to the College for insufficient funds. The College reserves the right to not accept a check from a student who has previously presented a check with insufficient funds. Failure to properly pay the amount of a returned check and fee shall result in the student’s account being placed on hold. CREDIT DISBURSEMENT Per federal guidelines, any credit created by federal funds will have a scheduled disbursement no later than fourteen (14) days after the credit is created. Accounts will be checked weekly to determine if there is an actual credit available for the students. Traditional students will be able to pick up their credit checks in BC Central after 3 pm on the Friday following the credit becoming actual (funds disbursed to the College). For students who have a parent plus loan creating the credit on their account, a Student Account Authorization form must be completed by the parent on the loan. This form is located on MyBC or may be obtained in BC Central. It provides the parent on the loan the opportunity to have the credit check mailed to them at their address or to be given to the student in BC Central. Credits on student accounts with a parent plus loan and no Student Account Authorization form on file will automatically be mailed to the parent on the loan within the federal guidelines. Online students will have their credit check mailed to the legal home address on file. Online students who elected to pick up the credit check, request it mailed to a different address, have Saturday FedEx delivery, or Standard Overnight FedEx Delivery, will need to complete the Check Delivery form located on MyBC or available in BC Central. If no Check Delivery form is on file for the student when the credit is actual, the credit check will be mailed to the student’s legal home address on file with the College. Traditional students will need to complete a Check Deliver form if they would like their credit mailed when it is issued. Any credit checks not pickup up in BC Central within one week will be mailed to the legal home address on file with the College. WITHDRAWAL Students must complete a formal request to withdraw from the College. Students may withdraw fromBluefield at any time and should begin the process in BC Central. Traditional and Online Students must complete the proper paperwork. Withdrawals may have an effect on a student’s financial aid, student account and academic record. To be considered for any refund of tuition and fees, a student must request and complete the withdrawal form, which may be obtained from BC Central and is located on MyBC. At the same time, simply ceasing class attendance or participation (whether officially or unofficially withdrawing) will result in an administrative withdrawal and loss of financial aid that the student has been awarded but has not earned for the period of non participation. (See “REFUNDS” section for additional information.) If a student withdraws from a course and subsequently adds additional second online term courses in the same semester, the student will be charged the overload tuition for any credit hours over 18. Students should be aware that withdrawing from a course may affect their academic standing and thus directly affect their loan eligibility.
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