Academic Catalog 2018-2019
Cottages (No classes) Cottages (Taking classes)
$683 Married/Month $597 Married/Month
Additional Fees and Deposits: Confirmation Fee
$150 (New & Readmitted Students) $200 per credit hour (half-hour lesson per week = 1 credit hour)
Private Music Fee
Science Lab Fee
$50 per science class per lab
Student Teaching Fee Late Registration Fee
$250 per semester $25 per semester $65 per incident $15 One-time fee $35 per incident
Lost Residence Room Key
Post Office Box Key Lost PO Box Key Fee
Student Health Insurance International students are required to enroll in an insurance plan through the College. The insurance provider is Dissinger Reed. The charge applied to the student’s account is $650 per semester. If an international student elects to stay in the United States during the summer and wishes to have continued coverage, there is an additional cost of $260 for the period of June and July. Summer coverage is optional unless the student is staying on campus. The coverage for international students is an accident and health insurance. There are no exceptions to this policy. Bluefield College strongly recommends all students in the traditional baccalaureate program participating in 6 or more credit hours to have their own health insurance policy. Student athletes are required to have medical insurance in addition to the athletic accident policies the College carries. Any student athletes who do not have insurance may contact the Head Athletic Trainer for assistance in obtaining the plan available to Bluefield College students. Non-athletes who do not have their own medical health insurance may contact Student Development for assistance with obtaining the plan available to Bluefield College students. Athletic Fee Bluefield College charges an athletic fee for all student athletes who are on team rosters, including team managers who receive athletic scholarship funds. The fee is $300 per semester, $600 per academic year. If a student is on a roster and leaves their team mid-semester, there will not be an adjustment in the athletic fee charge for the semester. If a student is on an athletic roster and leaves a team but retains their scholarship for the following semester, they will be charged the athletic fee. Additional Fees and Deposits Private Music Fee $200 Per credit hour Science Lab Fee $50 Per course Student Teaching Fee $250 Per semester Graduation Fee $120 One-time fee Lost Residence Room Key $65 Per incident Replacement Student ID Card $10 Per incident Post Office Box Key $15 One-time fee Lost PO Box Key Fee $35 Per incident
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