Academic Catalog 2018-2019

Students will come to understand how their culture affects them and their attitude toward others. Individuals and families from other ethnic and social groups will be better under- stood based on students’ study of their cultures. (Even Fall) PSY 4093 Advanced Research Methods This course applies the methods and constructs learned in PSY/CRJ/SOC 3013 as the stu- dent designs, constructs, and presents a significant social research project. Students will present their findings at the end of the semester to the college community and may submit their work for consideration by appropriate professional associations. Prerequisite: PSY 3013 and PSY 4013 (Fall) PSY 4201, 4202, 4203 Academic Internship Students selected for this internship will assist course instructors through tutoring, showing videos, conducting study sessions, researching course materials, proctoring tests, grading objective sections of survey exams, and teaching at least one class in a survey course dur- ing the semester. The selected students participating in this internship will acquire some practical experience in higher education. PSY 4501, 4502, 4503 Special Topics in Psychology A subject of special interest may be selected; may be repeated for credit with different topic. Prerequisites: PSY 3013, JR standing and instructor’s approval. PSY 4603 Senior Seminar This is the capstone course for Psychology majors taken during the senior year. Students review their personal development, investigate the interface between religion and science, and articulate their personal understanding of the integration of their faith and the disci- pline of psychology. (Spring) SOCIOLOGY (SOC) A minor in sociology may earned by completing 18 semester hours in sociology. Students must complete SOC 1013 and fifteen additional hours, with at least three courses at the 3000 level or higher. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION SOC 1013 Introduction to Sociology A broad overview of the field of sociology stressing terms, concepts, and major contem- porary theoretical perspectives in the discipline. Emphasis on American society, social change, culture, social structure, and on the sociological imagination. SOC 1023 Social Problems The course will lay the foundation for assessing the problematic nature of meanings and actions concerning social problems and their proposed solutions. It also explores a variety of contemporary social problems. SOC 2203 Criminology (same as CRJ 2203) The course dealswith the nature of crime, statistics, etc. Prerequisite: SOC1013 or CRJ 2013. SOC 3013 Sociology of the Family (Same as PSY 2053) This course is a broad based study of the family that specifically focuses on contemporary shifts in the modern American family structure. Significant attention is paid to social his- torical context, cultural diversity, and economic conditions that bear on family life. The emotional and behavioral aspects of marriage and family life such as love, communica-


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