Academic Catalog 2018-2019


PHS 1031 Introduction to the Physical Sciences Lab Laboratory course to accompany PHS 1033. Experiments and other laboratory activities designed to illustrate or reinforce concepts taught in PHS 1033. (Every Semester) PHS 1033 Introduction to the Physical Sciences A study of Earth and space sciences with aspects of physics and chemistry included. (Every semester) PHS 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504 Special Topics in Physical Science The student will engage in class instruction, research, and analysis of specific topics with a view to providing a more in-depth knowledge and understanding of these topics. (On Demand) PHYSICS (PHY) PHY 2014 General Physics I General college physics for students in curricula where calculus is not required. First se- mester covers classical mechanics, including one and two-dimensional kinematics, me- chanical forces, Newton’s Laws, gravitation, circular motion and torque, conservations laws, and additional topics as time allows. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours each week. Prerequisite: MAT 1223 or MAT 1543 or equivalent; a background in trigo- nometry is necessary and expected. (Every Fall) PHY 2024 General Physics II A continuation of PHY 2014. Second semester covers electrostatics, electric currents and DC circuits, magnetism and electromagnetic induction, and additional topics as time al- lows. Prerequisite: PHY 2014 or equivalent. (Every Spring) PHY 3021, 3022, 3023 Academic Internship The student will assist course instructors through tutoring, preparation and performance of laboratory exercises, and supervision of exams and video presentations. The student may also teach a class session. Prerequisite: JR/SR Standing and Permission of the Department Chair. POLITICAL SCIENCE (PLS) PLS 1013 American Government and Politics Theory and practice of American government and politics: federal-state relations; the sepa- ration and interrelationships of the executive, legislative, judicial branches of government; judicial review; the role of political parties and public opinion; the formulation and execu- tion of domestic and foreign policy; civil liberties. (On Demand) PLS 2013 Comparative Government and Politics A survey of politics in Western Europe; transitions from totalitarian to democratic govern- ments in Russia and Eastern Europe; a case study of political development in Africa; a comparison of democratic and communist governments in Japan and China; the role of the military in developing nations. (On Demand) PLS 2043 State and Local Government A study of various aspects of state and local government with some focus on VA and WV. (On Demand)


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