Academic Catalog 2018-2019
Placement of Mathematics Majors Students wishing to major in mathematics will have their academic transcripts reviewed by the Mathematics Department to determine the appropriate starting point within the Mathematics Program. Prospective Mathematics majors may be asked to take the ACCUPLACER College Level Mathematics exam and/or to complete other departmental assessment instruments for determining their appropriate placement. Students without prior credit for a college-level precalculus course including trigonometry will be required to complete MAT 1514 before attempting MAT 1815. Advanced Placement credit in calculus and statistics will be awarded according to the following guidelines.
Calculus AB 3
3 SH General Education Math 3 SH First Semester Calculus 3 SH First Semester Calculus 6 SH First Year Calculus
MAT 1815 MAT 1825 MAT 1825 MAT 2814
Calculus BC 3
MAT 2023 or 2033 (3 SH)
MAT 0113 Fundamental Concepts in Mathematics A review of basic mathematics concepts including number systems and their properties, fractions and fractional arithmetic, decimal representations, percent, order of operations, and applications to solving simple equations. Carries institutional credit only; cannot be used to meet the 126 hours required for graduation. Students placed in this course must pass this course and MAT 0123 before enrolling in MAT 1213 or higher. Prerequisite: Placement by the Mathematics Department. MAT 0123 Foundations of Algebra A review of beginning algebra concepts including solving simple equations, inequalities, exponents, polynomial expressions, factoring, rational expressions, roots and radicals. Carries institutional credit only; cannot be used to meet the 126 hours required for gradua- tion. Students placed in MAT 0123 must pass this course before enrolling in MAT 1213 or higher. Prerequisite: MAT 0113 or placement by the Mathematics Department. MAT 1213 College Algebra I Linear, quadratic, and higher degree polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions and equations, and applications of these concepts. Prerequisite: MAT 0123 or placement by the Mathematics Department. (Every Semester) MAT 1223 College Algebra II Elementary linear and matrix algebra, linear programming, polynomial, rational, and trigo- nometric functions, elementary sequences and series, and applications of these concepts. Prerequisite: MAT 1213. (Spring Semesters as needed) MAT 1233 Mathematics of Finance An introduction to the basic mathematics of finance. Topics covered are simple interest,
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