Academic Catalog 2018-2019
development of young children. Emphasis will be placed on the body/brain relationship, physical and emotional development, and the creation of an environment, which supports
and encourages learning for all young children. ECE 3073 Designing Physical Environments
The students will learn how to design physical environments for young children focusing on play and the creation of effective learning centers for early childhood classrooms. State licensing standards and environmental rating tools will be explored, as well as the impact that creativity and environmental influences have on learning. ECE 3083 Observing & Assessing Young Children This course will cover observation and assessment of children from birth to six years of age. Both formal and informal instruments will be discussed with emphasis on tools that can be used by teachers of young children. Considerations in choosing, administering, and This course will build on students existing knowledge of the history of early childhood education and introduce numerous theories of learning and development with a concentra- tion on the constructivist theory. Class activities and field experiences allow students to develop an understanding of the relationship between these theories and practices. Students will learn about constructivist theory through readings, discussions, lecture, and practical applications. ECE 4103 Family, School, & Community Involvement A study of family-child relationships as they evolve from birth through age six. The combination of home and school as this relationship serves to meet the educational needs of children from birth through age six will also be explored. Techniques and strategies for involving families in children’s education will be examined and discussed. Early childhood workers must be ready to respond to situations for children, families, and schools as they face a rapidly changing society. ECE 2011 Introduction to Early Childhood Field Experience The student is placed in a developmentally appropriate environment that serves birth to six years old for practical experience as an observer/participant under the supervision of mentor teachers and/or relevant administrative personnel. Students will attend on-line seminars, as scheduled, and will spend a minimum of 20 hours in the assigned placement. ECE 3113/3133 Early Childhood Program Management and Practicum This course consists of operational planning and administration for supervisors, administrators and directors of programs for young children in public and private schools. Emphasis is placed on the director’s role in staff recruitment, hiring, development and evaluation. Leadership and management techniques are also studied and analyzed. Includes 120-clock hour clinical practicum. ECE 4123/4143 Early Childhood Practicum This course is a supervised 120-clock hour clinical practicumexperience in an approved early childhood program. It provides opportunities for students to put theory into practice while developing their own unique professional style. Planning will be based on an understanding of the constructivist theory, current research and developmentally appropriate guidelines as defined by National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). reporting results of assessments will also be addressed. ECE 4093 Program Development for Young Children
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