Academic Catalog 2018-2019
and those with disabilities. Teaching methods and materials are based on requirements found in the Virginia Standards of Learning for Reading and English. Includes a 15-hour early field experience. Prerequisites: Background check requirements must be completed prior to enrolling in any EDU course requiring field experience hours. Membership in the Student Virginia Education Association (SVEA) is required. Formal admission to the Teacher Education Program. (Fall) EDU 3133 Introduction to the Exceptional Child This course is designed as a study the characteristics of students with exceptionalities, including gifted and talented, and to provide for their instruction in an educational setting. Special attention is paid to developmental disabilities and issues such as attention deficit disorder, substance abuse, child abuse, cultural diversity and working with families. The course also includes a study of the legal aspects, regulatory requirements, and expectations associated with identification, education, and evaluation of students with disabilities, addressing the rights and responsibilities of parents, students, teachers, and schools as they relate to individuals with disabilities. Includes a 15-hour early field experience. Prerequisites: Background check requirements must be completed prior to enrolling in any EDU course requiring field experience hours. Membership in the Student Virginia Education Association (SVEA) is required. EDU 2003 with a grade of C (2.00) or better This course will provide students who plan to teach mathematics in grades PreK-6 with strategies for planning and presenting the mathematics content found inVirginia’s Standards of Learning to a variety of learners. Mathematical content from the PreK-6 Standards of Learning and related mathematical concepts will be emphasized. Prerequisite: Formal admission to the Teacher Education Program. (Fall) EDU 3193 Teaching Science & Social Studies PreK-6 This course provides opportunities for students to design and model instruction based on Virginia Standards of Learning for elementary science and social studies, along with discipline-specific learning theories, and effective school research. Topics include integrated curriculum, participatory citizenship, scientific inquiry, and safety in the classroom. Students will construct and interpret various assessment tools for evaluation of pupil learning and use them, as well as the Standards of Learning assessments, to develop differentiated instruction for learners with diverse needs. Students will develop communication strategies to promote family involvement in pupil learning. Prerequisite: Formal admission to the Teacher Education Program. (Spring) EDU 3182 Methods in Teaching Mathematics 6-12 This course will provide students who plan to teach mathematics in grades 6-12 with strategies for planning, presenting, and assessing the mathematics content found in Virginia’s Standards of Learning to a variety of learners. Prerequisite: Formal admission and completion of background check requirements. (Spring) EDU 3163 Methods in Teaching PreK-6 Mathematics
to the Teacher Education Program. (Upon demand) EDU 3253 Teaching Reading in the Content Area
This course is a survey of the strategies and materials which facilitate students’ reading, thinking, and study skills required in secondary subject areas. The primary emphasis will be on engaging all students regardless of reading ability in reading and writing activities as the means to learning content material. Prerequisite: Formal admission to the Teacher Education Program. (Fall)
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