Academic Catalog 2018-2019
Articulation Agreements Bluefield College has an articulation agreement with the Virginia Community College System. Under the terms of this agreement, students who graduate fromVirginia community colleges in designated Associate of Arts and Sciences degree programs and have achieved a G.P.A. of at least 2.5 in their academic work are eligible for automatic acceptance upon completion of the application procedures for Bluefield College. Bluefield College has an articulation agreement with Richard Bland College of The College of William and Mary. Under the terms of this agreement, students who graduate from Richard Bland College with an Associate of Arts or Associate of Sciences degree and have achieved a G.P.A. of at least 2.5 in their academic work are guaranteed admission upon completion of the application procedures for Bluefield College. Bluefield College has an articulation agreement with the Kentucky Community and Technical College System. Under the terms of this agreement, students who graduate from KCTCS with an Associate in Applied Science degree (AAS), have achieved an unencumbered Registered Nurse license, and have earned a KCTCS cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.5 in their academic work, are guaranteed admission upon completion of the BC online application and submission of official transcripts for all academic work. 3+3 Agreement with the Appalachian College of Pharmacy Bluefield College has an articulation agreement with the Appalachian College of Pharmacy (ACP). Under the terms of this agreement, students who have completed all 83 hours of pre-pharmacy studies outlined in the BC/ACP agreement and obtained a “C” or better in all prerequisites and a G.P.A. of at least a 2.5 will be given priority admission into ACP’s three-year doctor of pharmacy degree program. Guaranteed and Early Acceptance Programs with Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine Bluefield College has an articulation agreement with the Edward Via College of OsteopathicMedicine (VCOM). Under the terms of this agreement, students may be granted guaranteed or early acceptance into the osteopathic medical college if they have met the following requirements: completion of all VCOM admission requirements, completion of prerequisite courses, a science and overall GPA of 3.4 (guaranteed acceptance) or 3.5 (early acceptance), sufficient SAT, ACT, or MCAT scores, completion of 100 hours of health care volunteerism and 100 hours of community volunteerism, and any other requirements outlined in the agreement. Transfer Credit from Four-Year Institutions A student who has attended another accredited four-year institution and is in good standing may apply for admission to the college no later than the beginning of the senior year. “D’s” will not be accepted for transfer in major or minor areas. A minimum of thirty- two (32) semesters hours, including at least twelve (12) semester hours within the major, must be completed at Bluefield College. Miscellaneous Transfer Credit 1. Bluefield College also awards credit for the following areas: 2. Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs (see p. 64 & 65). 3. College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or Dantes Subject Standardized Test (DSST) Examinations (see p. 65). Bluefield College is an approved CLEP/DSST testing site. 4. Military Credit (see p. 67).
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