Academic Catalog 2018-2019
CRJ 3233 Law Enforcement Basic course dealing with agencies involved in administration of justice; history and orga- nization of local, state and federal agencies; courts, trial, jail, and prisons; probation and parole. Prerequisite: CRJ 2013 or 2203. (Every Fall) CRJ 3303 Criminal Investigation Investigation methodology, relations of the detective with other police divisions, modus operandi, sources of information, surveillance, interrogation, follow-up procedure. Prereq- uisites: CRJ 2013 or 2203 and 3233. (Every Fall) CRJ 3501, 3502, 3503 Directed Study in Criminal Justice A specialized, individualized course of study for qualified students. The course is offered on demand, and the credit hours are determined by the nature of the study. Prerequisite: JR/SR Standing, Instructor’s and Academic Vice President’s Permission. (Fall and Spring) CRJ 3603 Juvenile Justice A survey of the process - the police, the courts, and corrections - through which the juvenile offender must pass. Prerequisite: CRJ 2013 or CRJ 2203. (Rotating) CRJ 3703 Law of Evidence Leading rules and principles of exclusion and selection, burden of proof, nature and effect of presumptions, proof of authenticity and contents of writings, examinations, competency and privilege of witnesses. Prerequisites: CRJ 2013 or 2203 and 4123, 3053. (Rotating) CRJ 4003 Terrorism Semester Course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. A survey of the modern problem of terrorism with an emphasis on the political and religious nature of terrorist acts. Examines the his- tory of terrorism, domestically within the U.S. and internationally, the role of religion, the structures and operations of terrorist organizations, as well as counterterrorism policies and policy making. CRJ 4013 Comparative Criminal Justice This course examines how various countries around the globe organize their criminal jus- tice systems and satisfy police, court, and correction functions. It will provide students with an international perspective for understanding and appreciating the similarities and differences between legal traditions, criminal law and procedures, crime rates, and means This semester-long course is taught on-site at the Southwest Law Enforcement Academy, Bristol, Virginia, offering students an opportunity to gain practical training and acquire professional certification in law enforcement. Requires a GPA of 2.0 or above, junior sta- tus, and permission of the Department Chair; must be arranged at least one semester in advance. Upon satisfactory completion, awards 27 semester hours of elective credit in criminal justice. CRJ 4073 Critical Perspectives in Criminal Justice It will emphasize and measure the acquisition of knowledge of the American criminal jus- tice system, as well as a variety of applied skills including oral communication, effective writing, and decision-making skills. Prerequisite: SR Standing, Instructor’s Permission. Prerequisite: CRJ 2013 or 2203. (Every Spring) of punishment. Prerequisite: CRJ 2013 or 2203. (Rotating) CRJ 4027 Professional Practicum in Law Enforcement
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