Academic Catalog 2018-2019
COR 1012 CRJ 2013 PSY 1013 COR 2002
2 SH 3 SH 3 SH 2 SH 4 SH
CRJ 2203 CRJ 3023
3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 6 SH
30 SH
30 SH
Third Year
Fourth Year
Science (B.S.)
3-4 SH
CRJ 3133 CRJ 4073 PSY 3013 CRJ 4123 CRJ 4013 COR 3012 Electives
3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 2 SH
or Foreign Language (B.A.)
MAT 2013 PSY 3043 CRJ 3053 CRJ 3233 CRJ 3113 COR 2012
3 SH 3 SH 6 SH 3 SH 3 SH 2 SH
16 SH 33 SH
13-14 SH
33 SH
CRJ 2013 Introduction to Criminal Justice A study is made of the historical background to common law and criminal law including an overview concerning the structure of criminal justice and the enforcement of law. (Every Semester) CRJ 2203 Criminology (Same as SOC 2203) A survey of the nature of crime, criminal statistics, and theories of criminal causation and control. An examination of crime as a social problem. (Every Semester) CRJ 3013 Community Based Corrections This course introduces the student to the new philosophies within corrections to establish successful rehabilitation programs in the community and outside of traditional prison set- tings. Students will analyze different programs that are being implemented nationally to include electronic monitoring, boot camps, and restorative justice programs. Prerequisite: CRJ 2013 or 2203. CRJ 3023 Theories in Social Deviance (Same as SOC 3023) A survey of contemporary theories and concepts used to analyze, understand, and explain social deviance and its consequences for individuals and society. A presentation of several contemporary forms of deviant behavior that currently attract the attention of major soci- etal institutions. Prerequisite: CRJ 2203. CRJ 3053 Criminal Procedure An introduction to legal issues involved in the theory and practice of the criminal justice procedure regarding the accused from arrest to release. Prerequisite: CRJ 2013 or 2203. (Every Spring) CRJ 3073 Constitutional Law (same as PLS 3073) A survey of the United States Constitution including the origins, amendments, and inter- pretations of the Constitution; and the constitutional basis of legislative, executive, and
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