Academic Catalog 2018-2019
COM 2223 Intermediate American Sign Language II This course is a sequel to COM 2213 Intermediate American Sign Language I. Emphasis is on developing receptive and expressive conversational fluency including advanced fin- gerspelling and vocabulary building. Increasingly complex linguistic aspects of ASL are examined. Discussion and writing assignments are associated with readings pertinent to Deaf culture. A study of deaf advocacy, services, education, and the legal rights of Deaf people is undertaken. Prerequisite: A grade of “C-” or better in COM 2213 Intermediate American Sign Language I or placement by exam. (Spring) This course completes the six hours of the Bachelor of Arts Modern Language Requirement. ART/COM 2723 Publishing with InDesign (formerly ART/COM 3283) Instruction in the creation of promotional and informational materials using Adobe InDe- sign. (Alternate Years) COM 2733 Trends in Web Design (formerly (ART/COM 4283) This course is an introduction to web design using currently relevant applications and a study of emerging trends in interactive communication. Prerequisite: ART/COM 1723 (Photoshop/Illustrator) (Alternate Years) COM 3013 Media and Society An examination of the theory and research associated with mass communication. (Alternate Years) COM 3073 Editing and Design Advanced training in features, column, and editorial writing, and in-depth news reporting and interviewing techniques. Prerequisite: COM 2073. (On Demand) COM 3083 Advanced Editing Advanced training in design, layout, photography, and advertising sales and design. Pre- requisite: COM 2073 or Instructor’s Approval. (On Demand) COM 3203 Public Relations I (same as BUS 3203) Overview of the history of public relations in American society. Study of theories and methods involved in successful communication between organizations and their publics. (Every Year) COM 3243 Advertising and Promotions (Same as BUS 3243) A comprehensive examination of the research, planning and production required to create and evaluate advertising campaigns. Attention is given to the interrelationship among ad- vertising creative strategy, management issues and message impact. (On Demand) COM 3303 Public Relations II Advanced training in decision-making skills related to the development, analysis, synthe- sis, and evaluation of public relations materials. This course involves practical applica- tion of communication knowledge to public relations situations in the U.S. and around the globe. Prerequisites: COM 3203.(On Demand) COM 3501, 3502, 3503 Directed Study in Communication This course offers the student the opportunity to explore topics of interest under the direc- tion of a faculty member. Variable credit. (On Demand)
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