Academic Catalog 2018-2019
CST 2213 Introduction to Ministry A general overview of the Christian ministry including spiritual formation for ministry and the nature of ministry in the church and church-related settings. Students also examine the call to ministry, leadership in ministry and the functions of ministry. (Fall) CST 2241, 2243 Spiritual Formation An introductory course that examines spiritual formation and introduces the student to the practice and guidance of various spiritual disciplines. Both personal spiritual growth and A general introduction to the major beliefs and major theologians of the Christian faith. The study gives special attention to Christian beliefs about God, humanity, Jesus Christ, salvation, the church, and the kingdom of God. Prerequisites: CST 1103. (Spring) CST 2403 Ethics (the online programs only) An intensive introduction to ethical theory and decision making. CST 3003 Directed Study in Christian Studies This course offers the student the opportunity to explore topics of interest under the direc- tion of a faculty member. Prerequisite: JR Standing. (On Demand) CST 3011, 3012, 3013 Academic Internship Students selected for this internship will assist the Christian Studies Faculty by conducting study sessions for Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, Introduction to Philoso- phy; showing videos and proctoring tests when the instructor has to be absent; and teach at least one class session in at least one of these courses. This class will provide selected students the opportunity to get hands-on experience in higher education. Credit varies from one to three hours. Prerequisites: JR Status and permission of the College or School Dean. CST 3113 Studies in the Prophets A study of the prophets, their messages, and their methods in the context of their time and nurturing spiritual growth in others will be discussed. CST 2313 Introduction to Christian Theology A study of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes placing them in the context of Old Testament theology and other Ancient Near Eastern literature. Prerequisite: CST 1103 and 2113. (Every third Fall) CST 3133 Formation & History of the Hebrew Kingdoms An examination of the history of Israel found in Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles from the settlement of Canaan to the destruction of Judah. Prerequisite: CST 1113. (Every third Fall) CST 3173 Johannine Literature A study of the gospel of John, the three letters of John, and the Book of Revelation focus- ing on major literary similarities and differences between those books, important themes in each, and the social setting of each. Prerequisite: CST 1103 and 2113. (Every third Spring) CST 3213 Ministry Internship Students gain academic credit for supervised ministry in a church or other ministry oppor- tunity. Prerequisite: CST 2213. (On Demand) place. Prerequisite: CST 1103 and 2113. (Every third Fall) CST 3123 Studies in the Psalms and Wisdom Literature
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