Academic Catalog 2018-2019
B. CST Core Requirements
27 SH
Advanced Bible (choose one: CST 3113, 3123, 3133, 4153, 3173, 4153, 4163, 4173)
3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH
CST 1413 Introduction to Philosophy CST 2113 Engaging the Bible CST 2213 Introduction to Ministry
CST 2221 Spiritual Formation (taken 3 times) CST 2313 Introduction to Christian Theology
CST 3613 World Religions
CST 3313 or 3323 Church History
CST 4013 Senior Seminar
C. Biblical and Theological Studies Concentration Choose 15 SH from the following Bible, Theology and History courses (not taken as a part of the CST core): Bible CST 3113, 3123, 3133, 3173, 4153, 4163, 4173 Theology/History CST 3313 or 3323, 3413, 4353, 4413 One of the following may be used: HIS 3083, 3093 D. Choose 6 SH (2 courses) from any CST, GRK, or HEB classes Total hours in major 51 SH E. Minor and Electives (Students majoring in CST may not
6 SH
20 SH
select the Christian Studies Minor or the Youth Ministry Minor as their minor.) TOTAL
120 SH
II. Christian Studies Major: Ministry Leadership Concentration A. General Education & Degree Requirements (see p. 48)
52 SH
CST 1103
3 SH
B. CST Core Requirements
27 SH
C. Ministry Leadership Concentration Choose 15 SH from the following ministry and leadership courses: CST 3233, 3243, 3213, 3713, 4713; MGT 3173; MUS 3533, 3543, 3563, 4573; THR 3033
D. Choose 6 SH (2 courses) from any CST, GRK, or HEB classes or PSY 2043, 2053, 2063
6 SH
Total hours in major 51 SH
20 SH
E. Minor and Elective (Students majoring in CST may not select the Christian Studies minor or the Youth Ministry Minor as their minor.) TOTAL
120 SH
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