Academic Catalog 2018-2019
CHM 3111 Science Colloquium (same as BIO 3111) This course will develop the student’s ability to critically examine published primary re- search in biology and/or chemistry. CHM 3501, 3502, 3503 Directed Study in Chemistry An opportunity to explore topics of interest under the direction of a faculty member. Vari- able credit. Prerequisite: JR Standing. (On Demand) CHM 4103 Research in Chemistry The student will engage in laboratory research under supervision of the Chemistry faculty, and will prepare a final written research report. Variable credit. Prerequisite: JR Standing. (Fall, Even Years) CHM 4502, 4503, 4504 Special Topics in Chemistry and Biochemistry The student will engage in class instruction, research and analysis of specific topics with a view to providing a more in-depth knowledge and understanding of specialized areas in Chemistry. Variable credit. May be taken more than once. Prerequisite: JR/SR Standing. (Spring, Odd Years, On Demand) CHM 4081, 4091 Senior Seminar Seniors will be required to research the scientific literature, write a thesis, and make oral presentations. An educator seeking to offer dual enrollment classes where a high school student may take courses for college credit at their own institution is required to possess a Master’s degree, and sufficient expertise in the discipline. Bluefield College offers an affordable and convenient avenue to complete these requirements with a six 3-credit graduate level courses in chemistry. A mostly online with evening and weekend face-to-face delivery of the content allows the high school teacher to simultaneously continue one’s profession and education in chemistry. The graduate courses offer development of key topics addressed in General Chemistry such as oxidation-reduction reactions, electrochemistry, organic compounds, rates of reactions, thermochemistry, and nuclear chemistry/radioactivity. If a teacher does not yet hold a Master’s degree, please turn to the Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) program in this catalog to consider that study plan. High school teachers seeking to add chemistry as a subject endorsement to their credential should consider these courses, especially Environmental Chemistry, as excellent training for passing the Chemistry Praxis assessment. Academically strong junior and senior undergraduate science majors may take any of the following course as electives and potentially receive credit if they continue into a graduate school program. It is recommended, but not required, that one takes the courses in the order listed below, as although they are separate, they are highly related. GRADUATE COURSES CHM 5103 Spectroscopy: Identification Techniques for Organic Molecules The structure of organic molecules is determined through the interpretation of spectra. The fundamental and most frequently used diagnostic techniques (MS, IR, and NMR) are described and put to use for the determination of unknown structures. (Summer I, EvenYears) GRADUATE PROGRAM CERTIFICATE FOR TEACHERS IN CHEMISTRY (CHM)
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