Academic Catalog 2018-2019
individuals seeking to pass the Microsoft certification exam (70-411/XXX). Prerequisite: CYS 3133 Windows Server Installing and Configuring. CYS 4043 Linux Server Administration 3 credit hours. This course introduces the student to the fundamentals of system administration using Linux operating systems. Additionally, the course provides the broad-based knowledge necessary to prepare students for further study in other specialized security fields. It is also intended to serve the needs of individuals seeking to pass the Computing Technology In- dustry Association’s (CompTIA) Linux + certification exam (LX0-104). Prerequisite: CYS 3043 Linux Fundamentals. CYS4104 Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems 4 credit hours. Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems are critical components of well-designed network architectures. These systems act as a line of defense, helping protect company assets from attacks. In this course, students gain a thorough grounding in the design, implementation, and administration of IDSes/IPSes, as well as practical, hands-on experience working with these systems. In addition, students analyze various attack signatures and the network traf- fic these systems collect. Prerequisite: CYS 3114 Networking Switching and Routing and This course prepares students for entry-level security specialist careers by developing an in-depth understanding of network security principles and the tools and configurations needed to secure a network. Prerequisite or Co Requisite: CYS4104 Intrusion Detection/ Prevention Systems. CYS 4304 Ethical Hacking and System Defense 4 credit hours. The course combines an ethical hacking methodology with the hands-on application of security tools to better help students secure their systems. Students are introduced to com- mon countermeasures that effectively reduce and/or mitigate attacks. Ethical Hacking and System Defense begins with an examination of the current threat landscape, key terms, and concepts & techniques used by attackers to compromise systems. It also explores a com- mon Ethical Hacking methodology that can be used by defenders to harden systems. The content in this course maps to the EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) professional certification. Prerequisite: CYS 4043 Linux Server Administration, CYS 4003 Windows Server System Administration and CYS 4204 Network Security. CYS 4333 Cyberethics 3 credit hours. This course covers four broad areas: control content and free speech, intellectual property, privacy and security. For each of these critical areas, consideration of the common ethi- cal, undergirded by a biblical worldview, and public policy problems that have arisen and how technology, law or some combination of the two would resolve some of the problems. Prerequisite: BUS 4003 Information Technology Internship or CYS 4403 Cybersecurity Internship or permission of professor. CYS 4403 Cybersecurity Internship 3 credit hours. Supervised internship provides students with the opportunity to integrate and apply con- cepts and knowledge gained through class instruction and hands-0n labs with on-the-job training in an area associated with cybersecurity. Pre-requisite: BUS 4003 Information Technology Internship or permission of professor. CYS 3103 Information Security Fundamentals. CYS 4204 Network Security 4 credit hours.
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