Academic Catalog 2018-2019
COURSES OF INSTRUCTION CYS 2003 Information Systems Fundamentals 3 credit hours.
Providing an introduction to computer systems, information technology, and application and system software, this course explains how information is used in organizations and in our daily lives. This course will look at how information technology enables improvement in communication, quality, timeliness, and competitive advantage in organizations and in our daily lives. CYS 2033 Networking Fundamentals 3 credit hours. 3 credit hours. Networking Fundamentals explores converging computer and commu- nications technologies, such as transmission concepts, network hardware and software, protocols, and standards. It is also designed to serve the needs of those interested in un- derstanding the field of computer networking and how it relates to other areas of Informa- tion Technology (IT) and Cybersecurity. The content in this course maps to the CompTIA Network+ professional certification. Prerequisite or Co requisite: CYS 2003 Information Systems Fundamentals. Prerequisite or Co requisite: CYS 2003 Information Systems Fun- damentals. CYS 3043 Linux Fundamentals 3 credit hours. This course provides students with the fundamental concepts of Linux/UNIX operat- ing systems. The course covers such topics as the Linux/UNIX file system, commands, utilities, text editing, shell programming, and text processing utilities. Students will learn command line syntax and features of the popular Linux/UNIX shells, including filename generation, redirection, pipes, and quoting mechanisms. The course is designed to help students prepare for professional careers in the information and communication technol- ogy (ICT) field. The content in this course maps to the CompTIA Linux+ (powered by the Linux Professional Institute (LPI)) certification exam (LX0-103). Prerequisite: CYS 2033 Networking Fundamentals. CYS 3103 Information Security Fundamentals 3 credit hours. This course offers in-depth coverage of the current risks and threats to an organization’s data, combined with a structured way of addressing the safeguarding of these critical elec- tronic assets. The course provides a foundation for those new to Information Security as well as those responsible for protecting network services, devices, traffic, and data. Ad- ditionally, the course provides the broad-based knowledge necessary to prepare students for further study in other specialized security fields. The content in this course maps to the CompTIA Security + professional certification exam. Prerequisite: CYS 2033 Networking Fundamentals. CYS 3114 Networking Switching and Routing 4 credit hours. This course introduces the student to the architecture, components, and operation of switch- es and routers, as well as the fundamentals of switching, routing, and the primary routing protocols. The course is designed to help students prepare for professional careers in the information and communication technology (ICT) field. It also helps prepare individuals seeking to pass the Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) certification exams. Prerequisite: CYS 2033 Networking Fundamentals. CYS 3123 Scripting Fundamentals 3 credit hours. This course offers an in-depth introduction to scripting languages including basic data types, control structures, regular expressions, input/output, and textual analysis. Prerequi- site or Co requisite CYS 3043 Linux Fundamentals.
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