Academic Catalog 2018-2019
theregistrar. The student will need to submit a course description, and if available, the syl- labus of the course related to the transfer request, to the BC registrar. Transfer credits are accepted with the following conditions: 1. The course requested for transfer must have been successfully completed at a region- ally accredited institution. 2. The transfer course must be comparable in content and credit hours to course that is taught at Bluefield College SOB. 3. A maximum of 6 semester hours can be transferred. 4. BSN-a minimum grade of C is required for all transfer work. 5. MBA-a minimum grade of B is required for all transfer work. 6. There is a five-year time limit for transfer courses meeting the above conditions. Withdrawal and Transfer from the Caudill School of Business Students who voluntarily withdraw from the program and desire to be readmitted at a later date must follow the same admission procedure as newly applying candidates. The Bluefield College Caudill School of Business reserves the right to request, at any time, the withdrawal of a student from the program whose health, conduct, or level of achievement makes such action advisable. Students who are involuntarily withdrawn from the program cannot reapply. The School discourages transfers from its MBA program. In the event of a transfer, the student is responsible for all arrangements and expenses. Written notification of intent to transfer should be provided to the Dean of the School. Bluefield College Admission Requirements: • Submit an application to Bluefield College Admissions Office. • Have official copies of transcripts from every institution attended sent to Bluefield Col- lege. • Be admitted to Bluefield College MBA program by meeting the general requirements for admission as an online degree student.
Core Requirements Course
BUS 5303 BUS 5343 BUS 5363 BUS 5373 BUS 5393
Management Theory and Leadership
Marketing Management
Legal and Ethical Business Issues
Managerial Economics Financial Management
Leadership Specialization BUS 5313
Business Research Methods and Applications
BUS 5323 BUS 5333 BUS 5353 BUS 5383
Human Resource Management Operations and Project Management
Organizational Behavior International Business
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