Academic Catalog 2017-2018
HEB 4013 Advanced Classical Hebrew Exegesis & Syntax An accelerated Bible translation course in the poetic portions of the Old Testament. Prereq- uisite: HEB 2023, 3013 or with the consent of the instructor. (On demand) HEB 4023 Biblical Aramaic Accelerated treatment of biblical Aramaic grammar and translation of biblical Aramaic texts. Prerequisite: HEB 2023. (On demand) BIOLOGY (BIO) For a bachelor’s degree in Biology a student must complete the general requirements, major requirements, and electives. Biology majors are required to complete Senior Seminar with a “C” or better and take a comprehensive test in their senior year. For students with majors in other departments, a minor in Biology is available. For teacher licensure in Biology, see Teacher Education Handbook . I. Biology Major- Biological Studies Concentration A. General Education & Degree Requirements not met by major 39 SH (see p. 55) PHY 2014, 2024 8 SH B. Major Requirements (Some of these courses satisfy the General Ed Requirements) Mathematics (MAT 1223 or higher) 8 SH CHM 1013, 1011, 1023, 1021, 2014, 2024 16 SH Information Technology 3 SH BIO 1143, 1141, 2223, 3111, 4081, 4091 10 SH A minimum of 27 SH additional Biology electives Including one course from BIO 2054, 2064 or 3044 and one from BIO 4014, BIO 4024, or BIO 3053 27 SH C. Electives 15 SH TOTAL 126 SH II. Biology Major- Pre-Health Professions Concentration A. General Education & Degree Requirements not met by major 39 SH (see p. 55) PHY 2014, 2024 8 SH 8 SH B. Major Requirements (Some of these courses satisfy the General Ed Requirements.) Mathematics (MAT 1223 or higher) 8 SH CHM 1013, 1011, 1023, 1021, 2014, 2024 16 SH Information Technology 3 SH BIO 1143, 1141, 1231, 2223, 2013, 2011, 2023, 2021, 3111, 4081, 4091 19 SH BIO Internship (BIO 2111, 2122, or 2133) 3 SH One course from BIO 2054, 2064, or 3044 4 SH
A minimum of 11 SH additional Biology electives from BIO 3003, 3034, 3014, 3053, 3234, 4014, 4024)
11 SH 15 SH 126 SH
C. Electives
III. Biology Minor
20 SH
A minimum of 20 SH additional Biology electives
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