Academic Catalog 2017-2018
the opportunity to have the credit check mailed to them at their address or to be given to the student in BC Central. Credits on student accounts with a parent plus loan and no student account authorization on file will result in the check being mailed to the parent within the federal guideline timeframe. WITHDRAWAL Students must complete a formal request to withdraw from the College. Students may withdraw fromBluefield at any time and should begin the process in BC Central. Traditional and Online Students must complete the proper paperwork. Withdrawals may have an effect on a student’s financial aid, student account and academic record. To be considered for any refund of tuition and fees, a student must request and complete the withdrawal form, which may be obtained from BC Central and is located on MyBC. At the same time, simply ceasing class attendance or participation (whether officially or unofficially withdrawing) will result in an administrative withdrawal and loss of financial aid that the student has been awarded but has not earned for the period of non participation. (See “REFUNDS” section for additional information.) If a student withdraws from a course and subsequently adds additional second online term courses in the same semester, the student will be charged the overload tuition for any credit hours over 18. Students should be aware that withdrawing from a course may affect their academic standing and thus directly affect their loan eligibility. Failure to properly withdraw will result in a loss of any refund. Withdrawal is not the same as simply dropping classes during the routine drop/add period established by the Registrar for each semester or sub-term. Dropping courses may change a student’s full-time or part-time status, but dropping out of all courses for the semester or sub-term constitutes a withdrawal. The timetable for withdrawal accompanied by a partial refund is different from the timetable for withdrawal without academic penalty. Students who attend 60% or more of a semester are not eligible for refunds, nor are they eligible for a proration of their financial aid or charges. Refunds will not be made for any funds that have not been credited to a student’s account (i.e., pending financial aid) unless a Post-Withdrawal Disbursement is appropriate, based on the federal regulations. Tuition, room and board charges earned for the semester are prorated according to the following calculation: The total number of days through which the student attended or participated, divided by the total number of calendar days in the semester (minus any institutional breaks of 5 days or more). This calculation of earned charges mirrors the calculation to adjust financial aid described below. Each student account will be adjusted upon receipt of an official withdrawal or notification that the student has dropped out (ceased participating), resulting in an administrative withdrawal. The funds will then be returned to the appropriate government entity or funding source. If the calculation results in a balance due on the student’s account, he or she is responsible for paying the account in full by the due date stated in the withdrawal letter from Student Accounts. The account adjustment and letter of balance due will be sent within 30 days of the official or administrative withdrawal. A student account with an outstanding REFUNDS AFTER WITHDRAWAL – Traditional and Online Programs
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