Academic Catalog 2017-2018
Additional Fees and Deposits: Confirmation Fee
$150 (New & Readmitted Students) $200 per credit hour (half-hour lesson per week = 1 credit hour)
Private Music Fee
Science Lab Fee
$50 per science class per lab
Student Teaching Fee Late Registration Fee
$250 per semester $25 per semester $65 per incident $15 One-time fee $35 per incident
Lost Residence Room Key
Post Office Box Key Lost PO Box Key Fee
Student Health Insurance Bluefield College requires all students in the traditional on-campus baccalaureate program taking 6 credit hours or more to have health insurance. All students will be charged the health insurance fee to their student account. The health insurance fee is based on the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act . Students who already are covered by an outside health insurance provider will need to waive the College’s health insurance. This policy also applies to international students. There are no exceptions. Any questions regarding student health insurance should be directed to Student Development. The Office of Student Development will contact students through their Bluefield College e-mail account with specific instructions and dates concerning how to waive the health insurance. The charge for the health insurance is applied to the student’s fall charges and the coverage is for the academic year. The premium amount for the 2017-2018 academic year is $2,360. New students arriving in January 2018 will incur a pro-rated charge and will have ample opportunity to work with Student Development to waive the charge if they have outside coverage. It is the student’s responsibility to waive the insurance in order that the student account and Bluefield College are not charged the cost of the health insurance. Graduate students have an optional plan available at the rate of $3,223 per year. Tuition and Fees – Online Program Confirmation Fee $30 (New & Readmitted Students) Tuition $365 per credit hour Tuition and Fees - Master of Arts in Education Program Confirmation Fee $40 (New & Readmitted Students) Tuition $460 per credit hour Tuition and Fees - Masters of Science in Nursing Confirmation Fee $40 Tuition $480 per credit hour Sim Lab Fee $125 Chemistry Certificate Program Confirmation Fee $40 Tuition $200 per credit hour Transcript Fee Unofficial Transcript No Charge Official Transcript $15 per transcript
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