Academic Catalog 2017-2018
MUS 4573 Internship in Church Music Administration A 135 hour internship in an approved area church under the direct supervision of the minis- ter of music. Significant issues will be discussed in weekly class sessions or through online dialogue if internship is taken as a summer course. Prerequisite: MUS 3563 and Instruc-
tor’s Permission. SR Standing. MUS 4810 Senior Recital I
Required for Church Music, General Music and Music Education concentrations. Student will prepare 30 minutes of literature from the standard repertoire representing all style periods. For further guidelines see the Music Student Handbook available from the Music Department Chair. It is recommended that the student complete this course before entering their student teaching or church music practicum. Prerequisites: three years applied study at the college level. MUS 4833 Piano Pedagogy and Practicum The study and application of principles for teaching piano. Includes information and skills needed to establish a private studio. Prerequisite: Instructor’s Permission. MUS 4843 The Art of Accompanying and Practicum The study and application of the principles of vocal and instrumental accompanying. Pre- requisite: Instructor’s Permission. MUS 4853 Vocal Pedagogy and Diction with Practicum A study and application of the working of the vocal mechanism and the diagnosis and cor- rection of vocal faults. An introduction to the International Phonetic Alphabet and its use in the study of the pronunciation of English, Latin, and Italian. Prerequisite: SO Standing or Instructor’s Permission. MUS 4863 Advanced Vocal Pedagogy and Diction with Practicum A continuation of MUS 4853. Study of the International Phonetic Alphabet will include German and French. Includes information and skills needed to establish a private studio. Prerequisite: MUS 4853. MUS 4890 Senior Recital II Required for Applied pedagogy concentrations. Students will prepare 50-60 minutes of literature from the standard repertoire, representing all style periods. For further guidelines see the Music Student Handbook available from the Music Department Chair. Prerequi- sites: three years applied study at the college level. APPLIED MUSIC INSTRUCTION Class Instruction MUS 1211 Class Voice Courses presenting the basics of vocal technique, interpretation, and communication through discussion, listening, and individual coaching. Meets twice a week for one hour. May be taken as an elective for non-music majors. Prerequisite for private voice instruction for non-music majors. Private Instruction
MUS 1011, 1012 Private Brass MUS 1021, 1022 Private Guitar MUS 1031, 1032 Private Organ
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