Academic Catalog 2017-2018
MAT 4203 Real Analysis Real number system, theory of sequences, limits, continuity, differentiation, and math- ematical proof. Prerequisite: MAT 3103 with a grade of “C” or better, and MAT 2814. (On Demand) MAT 4423 Introduction to Numerical Analysis Numerical solutions of equations in one variable, interpolation and polynomial approxima- tion, numerical methods of differentiation and integration, and approximate solutions of initial value problems in ordinary differential equations. Prerequisite: MAT 3103 with a grade of “C” or better, MAT 2913, MAT 3003, BUS 2313. (On Demand) MAT 4443 Senior Seminar A review for mathematics majors in their final year of study. Student will complete a proj- ect in an area of Mathematics or application of Mathematics to an area of Mathematics or application of Mathematics to an area outside the discipline, while simultaneously prepar- ing for the GRE (advanced) mathematics subject test, Praxis II, and similar exams. Pre- requisite: Senior standing and completion of or current enrollment in either MAT 3303 or MAT 4203. (Fall Semesters) MAT 4501, 4502, 4503 Special Topics in Mathematics Course covers a selected topic for further study. May be repeated for credit with a change in topic. Credits to be determined by course content. Prerequisite: Instructor’s Permission. (On Demand) MODERN LANGUAGES (French, Spanish) A proficiency examination will aid the student in determining the language level he/ she should take, if he/she has studied language in high school. Otherwise, the student who plans to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree must start at the elementary level. Any students who have successfully passed four years of the same foreign language in high school will have their modern language requirement waived. The six semester hours must be made up in elective credit. FRENCH (FRE) FRE 1013 Beginning French I A beginning course in the fundamentals of speaking, listening, and reading the French lan- guage. Emphasis is on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and French culture. Students read simple texts and write short essays in French. The class is for students with no previ- ous training in the French language. This course does not count towards the Bachelor of Arts Modern Language Requirement. FRE 1023 Beginning French II A continuation of FRE 1013. Expanded emphasis on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and French culture. Students read texts and write essays in French. Prerequisite: FRE 1013 or placement by exam. (On Demand) This course does not count towards the Bachelor of
Arts Modern Language Requirement. FRE 2013 Intermediate French I
A continuation of FRE 1023, with expanded study of French vocabulary, grammar, pro- nunciation and culture. Students read more complex texts and engage in more in-depth listening and conversation exercises. Prerequisite: FRE 1023 or placement by exam. (On
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