Academic Catalog 2017-2018
INT 3063 Learning & Research Skills Learning & Research Skills is designed to provide opportunities for students to experi- ence the application of experiential teaching/learning methods while analyzing, exploring, and developing the core skills needed for academic success in the online program. These skills include, but are not limited to, the development of effective online and traditional research skills and the identification of college resources, as well as the development of strategies for: (a) reading; (b) managing time and stress; and (c) note-taking, studying, test-taking, and writing. Finally this course will emphasize the development of effective writing and style mechanics using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association as the platform for written work-products. MGT 3103 Business Communication Business Communication encompasses all types of communication required to function effectively as a leader in an organization. Communications fundamentals, business English, correspondence, written reports, oral communication, employment communica- tions, and other special communication applications will be emphasized. PSY 3033 Theories of Personality Theories of Personality is an introduction to the organization and structure of personality. Personality is defined and methods of assessing and studying it are considered. Major theories of personality are investigated. The major theories are used to explore issues including love, hate, gender, culture, religion, stress, adjustment, and health. Students are challenged to apply theories to the personality of a specific historical figure. PSY 3043 Abnormal Psychology (Same as CRJ 3043) Abnormal Psychology is an introduction to the study of psychopathology. The difficulty of determining whether specific behaviors should be considered abnormal is exam- ined. A history of views about abnormal behavior is discussed as is current thinking on the subject. Models used for explaining abnormal behavior are described and issues related to diagnosis and assessment of psychological disorders are given attention. The primary emphasis of the course is the study of categories of mental disorders and their symptoms as well as possible causes and recommended treatments for specific disorders. Prerequisites: JR Standing. PSY 3083 Social Psychology (Same as SOC 3083) Social Psychology is a study of behavior in social contexts, including interpersonal at- traction, group dynamics, leadership, conformity, and a host of additional social psychology constructs and theories. It is the intent of this course to introduce the student to those variables and relationships that describe and even predict human behavior as influenced by the presence of others. PSY 3093 Social Research Methods for the Online Program only (same as CRJ/ HSE/SOC 3093) Social Research Methods introduces the tools and techniques of inquiry applied in the so- cial sciences. During the term the student will be exposed to the vocabulary, the generally accepted yet varied methods, and the potential sources of error associated with the investi- gation of social phenomena. We will discuss the constructs of sampling, measurement, research design, and data analysis as well as the very important process of forming a meaningful and rigorous research question. Such constructs as reliability, validity, error, etc. will be defined and made useful in the minds and actions of thoughtful scientists and citizens.
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