Academic Catalog 2017-2018
Third Year
Fourth Year HIS Electives Minor Electives
Language-2 nd Year HIS Electives Minor Electives
6 SH
12 SH 11 SH
15 SH
9 SH 3 SH
COR 3012 HIS 4603 Electives
2 SH 3 SH 6 SH
BUS 2513
33 SH
34 SH
HIS 1033 World Civilization I A basic survey of world civilizations from earliest times to the 16th Century. It includes the political, philosophical, and cultural legacies of ancient American, Asian, African, and European civilizations, emphasizing both their independence and their interaction with one another. (Fall) HIS 1043 World Civilization II The modernization and expansion of world civilizations since 1500 including Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. This course emphasizes the major social, political, and eco- A dynamic survey of American history from European contact through the end of the Civil War. This course pays particular attention to the establishment of the United States, its political and social distinctives, and the contradictions that culminated in civil warfare and a “new birth of freedom.” (Fall) HIS 2023 United States History II A dynamic survey of American history from the end of the Civil War to the present. This course focuses on the reunification of north and south, western expansion, and the growth of national power through two world wars, closing with a reexamination of American dis- tinctives in light of the American past. (Spring) HIS 2603 History and Historians This seminar introduces prospective majors and minors to the theory and practice of his- tory. The first half examines historiography, the history of history, including the study of the past in light of Christian belief. The second half concerns methodology, the ways in which historians work, emphasizing practical application of the best practices of the pro- fession. (On Demand) HIS 3023 History of American Government and Politics James Madison once said that if men were angels, government would be unnecessary. Since the federal government is now in its third century of existence, it seems wise to become better acquainted with this concession to human imperfection. Accordingly, this course provides a comprehensive history of the establishment, structure, functions, and evolution of the government and politics of the United States of America. Starting with the roots of American nationalism and the theory of republican government, it tells the story of the disastrous initial government under the Articles of Confederation and how heated public debate and private bargaining crafted the Constitution which replaced it. Using this blueprint to interpret the governmental structure it created, we learn of the Founders’ dis- taste for political parties and why their formation was inevitable, and how the single big- gest constitutional flaw led to civil warfare and a new birth of freedom. As the nineteenth nomic contributions of each. (Spring) HIS 2013 United States History I
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