Academic Catalog 2017-2018
ENG 3033 History of the English Language A study of the major historical, linguistic and grammatical developments of the English language. (Annually) ENG 3043 Introduction to Creative Writing A workshop in the development of skills in writing fiction and/or poetry. Creative writing is supplemented by readings. (Odd Fall) ENG 3053 Literature of Children and Adolescents This course is designed as a survey of children’s and adolescent literature including biog- raphies, fables, myths, non-western literature, traditional and modern fanciful tales and poetry. Students will be introduced to multi-cultural literature in addition to literature de- signed to help with learning, family, and social needs of children and adolescents. Drama, storytelling, and other responses to literature will be explored. Activities are designed to help students use children’s literature to broaden reading skills, including vocabulary and comprehension. Integration of children’s and adolescent literature into all curricular areas will be a part of all activities. Teaching methods and materials are based on requirements found in the Virginia Standards of Learning for Reading and Language Arts. Prerequisite: One 2000-level Literature Class. (Odd Fall) ENG 3063 Technical Writing An introduction to the principles and procedures of effective technical writing such as de- scription of a device, instructions, interpretation of data, and the formal report. Insofar as possible, students write on subjects pertinent to their chosen careers. (On Demand) ENG 3073 Regional and Ethnic Literature An introductory survey of literature of American minorities focusing on fiction, poetry, drama, and nonfiction written by African, Asian, Native-American, Chicano(a), Jewish, and Appalachian authors. Prerequisite: One 2000-level Literature Class. (Odd Spring) ENG 3111, 3112, 3113 English Internship This internship provides the opportunity for juniors and seniors to participate in a career- related professional experience. See Criteria for internships on p. 70. The two primary internships are: 1) Tutoring Writing-the study and practice of tutoring peers through the writing process. In addition to classroom work, students will serve as peer tutors in the Academic Center for Excellence. (Every Semester) 2) Editing a literary magazine-students will select material for, edit, and layout the Bluefield College literary magazine, The Blue- stone Review. (Every Spring) ENG 3503 Directed Study in English This course offers the student the opportunity to explore topics of interest under the direc- tion of a faculty member. Prerequisite: JR Standing. (On Demand) ENG 4043 Advanced Creative Writing A continuation of the writing workshop begun in ENG 3043. Students will focus on one genre: fiction, poetry, or playwriting. Prerequisite: ENG 3043. (Even Spring) ENG 4063 Creative Nonfiction An advanced writing course focusing on creative nonfiction and the personal essay. (Even Fall)
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