Academic Catalog 2017-2018
EDU 4443 Teaching Students with Disabilities for Success in the General Curriculum This course explores the characteristics and supports needs of students with disabilities in the general education setting and delves into the development of individual education planning and group instruction at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Specific learning strategies, multisensory approaches, and organizational and environmental considerations will be investigated through the scope and sequence of the general education curriculum. Alternative ways of instruction and assessment will be examined to support student learning needs with effective and student-appropriate strategies and accommodations to promote successful integration with nondisabled peers in general education classrooms and, as appropriate, in other instructional settings, representing the continuum of special education services. Prerequisites: EDU 3133 with a grade of C (2.00) or better and formal admission to the Teacher Education Program. (Fall) EDU 4453 Collaboration and Transition for Students with Disabilities throughout the Educational Experience This course is designed to prepare teacher licensure candidates with the ability to work with students and their families to provide successful student transitions throughout the educational experience. Additionally, teacher licensure candidates will learn strategies for successful consultation, case management and collaboration to address the areas of long-term planning, career development, life skills, community experiences and resources, self-advocacy, and self-determination, guardianship and legal considerations in order to establish an effective school environment and postsecondary training for securing employment and independent living. This course includes a 15 hour early field experience. Prerequisites: Background check requirements must be completed prior to enrolling in any EDU course requiring field experience hours. Membership in the Student Virginia Education Association (SVEA) is required. EDU 3133 with a grade of C (2.00) or better and formal admission to the Teacher Education Program. (Spring) EDU 4501, 4502, 4503 Special Topics in Education Student teaching is a semester of continuous full-time professional activities in a public school under the supervision of public school and college personnel. VCLA and Praxis II (also RVE for *Special Education) must be passed prior to beginning student teaching. 12 semester hours credit. Prerequisites: Background check requirements must be completed prior to enrolling in any EDU course requiring field experience hours. Membership in the Student Virginia Education Association (SVEA) is required. Formal admission to student teaching. (Fall and Spring) EDU 4708 6-12 Student Teaching Student teaching is a semester of continuous full-time professional activities in a public school under the supervision of public school and college personnel. VCLA and Praxis II must be passed prior to beginning student teaching. 12 semester hours credit. Prerequisites: Background check requirements must be completed prior to enrolling in any EDU course requiring field experience hours. Membership in the StudentVirginia EducationAssociation (SVEA) is required. Formal admission to student teaching. (Fall and Spring) EDU 4908 PreK-6 Student Teaching Student teaching is a semester of continuous full-time professional activities in a public school under the supervision of public school and college personnel. VCLA, Praxis II, and RVE Prerequisite: Junior/Senior Standing. EDU 4608 PreK-12 Student Teaching
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