Academic Catalog 2017-2018
EDU 3901 (Fall) EDU 4053 (Spring) *EDU 3193 (Spring) **EDU 4443 (Spring)
1 SH EDU 4101 Fall)
1 SH
3 SH **EDU 4608 (Spring) 3 SH *EDU 4908 (Spring) 3 HS EDU 4341 (Spring)
12 SH 12 SH
1 SH
Teacher licensure candidates seeking licensure to teach grades 6-12 or PreK-12 will need a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in their major (teaching endorsement
area) listed below: Bachelor of Science Biology 6-12 Business 6-12 Chemistry 6-12 Mathematics 6-12
Bachelor of Arts
English 6-12
History & Social Services 6-12 Music ‒ Vocal/Choral PreK-12 Music ‒ Instrumental PreK-12
Health & Physical Education PreK-12
Art PreK-12 Theater PreK-12
First Year
Second Year
PSY 1013 (Fall)
3 SH EDU 2013 (Fall) 3 SH EDU 3801 (Fall)
3 SH 1 SH
EDU 2003 (Spring) EDU 2212 (Spring) EDU 3133 (Spring)
2 SH 3 SH
Teacher licensure candidates may only take the remaining classes if they have been ADMITTED to the Teacher Education Program
Third Year
Fourth Year
EDU 3901 (Fall) EDU 3253 (Spring)
1 SH EDU 3043 (Fall) 3 SH EDU 4101 (Fall)
3 SH 1 SH
EDU 4608 (Spring) EDU 4708 (Spring) EDU 4341 (Spring)
12 SH 12 SH
1 SH
Professional Education EDU 0111 Mathematics Skills for Teachers
This non-credit elective course is designed to give students the opportunity to improve understandings of mathematical concepts needed for success in the Teacher Education Program. Students may take the course if they fail to achieve the minimum score in Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Mathematics, an entry-level assessment of basic skills required by the Virginia Board of Education of all students entering an approved teacher education program (8VAC20-542-40). Grading is Pass/Fail. (Upon Demand) EDU 2003 Human Growth & Development for Educators This course includes a study of human growth and development birth through adolescence. The course focuses on skills that contribute to an understanding of the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development of children and the ability to use this understanding in guiding learning experiences. The interactions of children with individual differences
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