Academic Catalog 2017-2018
velopment, from defining an idea, to finding and managing finances, to building marketing strategies and managing operations. This professional certificate’s capstone course teaches participants how to finalize their business plan and practice execution steps needed to man- age a successful business. The curriculum is overseen by an advisory board of business entrepreneurs and education leaders and approved by the Bluefield College, Department of Business. Courses are taught by working professionals or other professors with current business experience who have at least five to seven years of practical business experience. More so than ever, today’s business environment is demanding leaders who have an entre- preneurial spirit.
A. Core Requirements
12 SH
EBE 4113 Small Business Management EBE 4213 Strategic Internet Marketing EBE 4253 Entrepreneurial Implementation EBE 4603 Entrepreneurial Finance and Business Planning
B. Elective Courses
3 SH
EBE 3153 Franchising for the Entrepreneur EBE 4203 Ethics for the Entrepreneur EBE 4243 New Ventures for the Entrepreneur MGT 4233 Leadership and Change Management
Total Hours 15 SH *The Professional Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management has open enrollment every eight weeks. Admission requirements include: successful completion of high school diploma or equivalent. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION EBE 3153 Franchising for the Entrepreneur This course provides students with a view of entrepreneurship as a process of economic or social value creation, rather than the single event of opening a business. This process applies equally well whether the result is a for-profit business enterprise or a not-for-profit social enterprise. The course reflects the most recent research in this discipline, focusing on the distinct phases of opportunity recognition, assembly of the financial and human re- sources needed to exploit the opportunity, and launching the new venture. Elective EBE 4113 Small Business Management This course will focus on both the entrepreneurial aspect and continuing management of small businesses. We will generally define small business, for purposes of this course, to be geographically local, have fewer than 100 employees, and where one or a few individuals provide initial financing. The course will focus on leadership, decision-making, manage- ment, marketing, financial controls and other necessary processes to insure the successful start-up and long-term health of the small business enterprise. Required EBE 4203 Ethics for the Entrepreneur Public debates over ethics and integrity (as well as the general quality) of leadership have spurred new examinations of how those who are responsible to the public should behave and what should be expected of an ethical leader. Leadership is a complex relationship
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