Academic Catalog 2017-2018
CST 3323 History of the Christian Church II A survey of the history of the Christian Church from the Reformation to the contemporary period. (Alternating Spring) CST 3413 Philosophy of Religion A philosophical examination of the nature of Religious beliefs in the context of the total human experience. (On Demand) CST 3613 World Religions A survey of the history, beliefs, practices, and major divisions of the major religions of the world. Prerequisite: CST 1103. (Alternating Fall) CST 3713 Philosophy of Youth Ministry A study of the philosophical, theological, and methodological issues foundational to effec- tive youth ministry in the congregational setting. Prerequisite: CST 2213. (Alternating Spring) CST 4013 Senior Seminar This is the capstone course for the major and must be taken in the spring semester of the year in which the student plans to graduate. The course is composed of reviews of the upper level courses in the major as well as the treatment of career related topics. (Every Spring) CST 4153 Exilic and Post-Exilic History of the Jews A study of the Jewish people from 587 B.C. to A.D. 135 utilizing canonical and deuteroca- nonical-literature. Prerequisite: CST 1103 and 2113. (On Demand) CST 4163 The Synoptic Gospels and Acts A study of Matthew, Mark, and Luke-Acts in their historical and literary contexts and the relationship among these gospels. Prerequisite: CST 1103 and 2113. (Every third Spring) CST 4173 Pauline Literature A study of major issues in the interpretation of the letters attributed to Paul. Treatment of the social setting of these letters, major themes characteristic of Paul, and an overview of attempts to write a chronology of his life. Prerequisite: CST 1103 and 2113. (Every third Spring) CST 4353 Anti-Semitism, Christianity, & the Holocaust An examination of the development and manifestations of anti-Semitism throughout his- tory (especially Nazi Germany 1933-1945) including the present day with emphasis on “Christian” anti-Semitism. (On Demand) CST 4413 Christian Ethics An introduction to the theory and practice of Christian ethics with specific application to contemporary ethical issues. This class emphasizes the importance of virtue and character formation and the use of Scripture in ethics. (On Demand) CST 4503 Special Topics in Christian Studies Class instruction, research, and writing will be used to explore special topics in Christian studies. Prerequisite: JR/SR Standing. (On Demand) CST 4713 Youth Ministry Internship An opportunity for students to acquire practical ministry experience in youth ministry. Prerequisites: CST 1103, 2213, and 3713. (On Demand)
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