Academic Catalog 2017-2018
BUS 2323 Personal Computers Use and apply current word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and database software. (Fall and Spring) BUS 2433 Visual Basic Introduction course in the use of an event-driven, procedural programming tool for devel- oping graphical user interface (GUI) applications. (Every Spring) BUS 2513 Principles of Macroeconomics Study of basic economics including national income analysis, employment theory, fiscal policy, and banking. (Every Fall) BUS 2523 Principles of Microeconomics Study of production costs, price theory, domestic and international problems. (Every Spring) BUS 2533 Principles of Accounting I Basic accounting including accounting cycle development and statement preparation. Study of cash, receivables, notes, inventories, and plant assets. (Fall and Spring) BUS 2543 Principles of Accounting II Continuation of BUS 2533. Study of partnership and corporation accounting and statement analysis. Survey of cost accounting and budgeting. (Fall and Spring) Prerequisite: BUS 2533. BUS 2603 Personal Finance Introduction to consumer finance, focusing on basic principles and techniques used to man- age income and assets to achieve personal financial goals. Major areas of study include individual budgets, personal financial planning, taxes, credit management, insurance, per- sonal investments, and planning for retirement. (Every Fall) BUS 3013 Principles of Management Examination of modern management concepts and practices. Major areas of study include six essential types of performance, principles and practices that foster collaboration, lead- ership, and teamwork. Emphasis is on analysis of management theory, principles, business practice, organizational structures, and managerial functions. The course objectives include (a) the critical evaluation of how organizations foster innovation; 1) service; 2) quality; 3) sustainability; 4) costs,; 5) resources; and 6) speed to market. This is a core requirement for all business administration majors.Prerequisite: JR Standing. (Fall) BUS 3023 Principles of Marketing This course is designed to introduce students to basic marketing concepts and key business functions in marketing oriented institutions. Emphasis is placed on the influence of envi- ronmental, social, economic, ethical, legal, and technological forces on marketing activi- ties. Students will be able to recognize, discuss, and/or evaluate the following: recognize core marketing concepts such as product, price, distribution and promotion and how they are used today to provide customer value; appreciate marketing’s importance to business and the impact of environmental factors (economic, technological, political/legal, competi- tive, and social/cultural); evaluate the marketing process and strategies and importance of ethical practices with regard to social responsibility and ethics; and examine the 4P’s of Marketing with regard to influence on targeting strategies, segmentation, consumer analy- sis, market channels and channel management, and supply chain management. Prerequi- site: JR Standing. (Fall)
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