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Table 3. ʻMontmorencyʼ tart cherry tree survival, trunk cross-sectional area (TCA), root suckers, cumulative yield (CY), mean fruit weight (FW) and cumulative yield efficiency (CYE) on 12 rootstocks in Geneva, New York. Table 3. 'Montmorency' tart cherry tree survival, trunk cross-sectional area (TCA), root suckers, cumulative yield (CY), mean fruit weight (FW) 305 and cumulative yield efficiency (CYE) on 12 rootstocks in Geneva, New York. 306

Cum. Root Suckers (no./tree)

CY (kg/tree)

Avg. FW (g/fruit)

CYE (kg.cm 2 )

Tree Survival (%)

TCA (cm 2 )

2002 (suckers/tree)

2007 rating 3.6 cd


2007 100a 100a 100a 100a












144.0 c

3.5 bcde

18.4 ab 18.2 ab 15.8 bc 22.2 ab 18.1 ab 21.1 ab 19.3 ab 22.7 ab 21.9 ab 0.0001 10.1 c 25.3 a

233.1 ab 259.8 ab 180.5 c 226.5 ab 283.2 a 214.9 bc 273.6 ab 279.3 a 242.4 ab 202.1 bc 215.4 b

4.8 ab

0.29 bc 0.26 bc

1.67 a



63ab 72.6abc 181.6 bc 1.3 de

1.4 e 1.2 e 1.0 e 1.4 e

5.0 a

1.45 abc 1.61 a 1.72 a 1.37 bc 1.62 a 1.28 bc

Gi.3 Gi.5 Gi.6 Gi.7

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

48.5c 61.9c

111.8 c 133.7 c

1.5 de

4.9 ab

0.22 c

1.0 e

5.0 a 5.0 a 5.0 a

0.27 bc 0.29 bc 0.28 bc


215.0 ab 2.0 cde

88ab 67.2bc 75ab 88.5ab

136.7 c 210.2 b 227.0 a 244.4 a 196.7 b 110.5 c 134.3 c 0.0001

6.6 a

6.1 ab 1.6 de 4.5 bc 6.2 ab 5.4 abc 7.4 a

2.2 cde 6.2 ab 4.9 abc 4.5 abcd 5.2 abc 4.6 abc

17.4 abc 266.4 ab

4.7 ab 4.6 ab 4.8 ab

0.23 c

Mahaleb W.10 W.13 W.158 W.53 W.72 P-value



0.30 bc

1.24 c 1.16 c 1.23 c 1.80 a 1.68 a 0.0001

100a 100a


0.21 c


5.0 a 4.5 b

0.27 bc


51.5c 56.0c

0.45 a


6.3 ab 0.0001

4.9 ab 0.0053

0.40 ab 0.0001


0.0003 0.0001



Z LSmeans within columns followed by common letters do not differ at the 5% level of significance by the simulate adjustment. 307 308

17 produced trees with smaller TCA in year 5 (2003) remained small through year 11 (2008). Trees on Mahaleb, W.10 and W.13 had the largest TCA, whereas trees on Gi.3, Edabriz, W.53, Gi.5 and Gi.7 had the smallest TCA. W.13 produced the most root suckers, followed by W.10. All the other rootstocks, including W.10, had a similar amount of root suckers by year 10. Mahaleb, Gi.6, W.10, and W.13 had the highest CY. Fruit size was

yield (CY) per tree reflected TCA, with the larger trees tending to have the highest CY, and the lowest cumulative yield efficiency (CYE). Trees on W.53 had the highest CYE, which was statistically similar to that for trees on Gi.5, W.72, Edabriz, and Gi.7. Fruit on W.53 were the smallest. All other rootstocks produced fruit of a similar size. Ontario tree mortality was only significant on W.53 (62%) (Table 4). Rootstocks that

Table 4. ʻMontmorencyʼ tart cherry tree survival, trunk cross-sectional area (TCA), precocious branch blos- som density, root suckers, cumulative yield (CY), mean fruit weight (FW) and cumulative yield efficiency (CYE) on 12 rootstocks in Vineland, Ontario, Canada. Table 4. 'Montmorency' tart cherry tree survival, trunk cross-sectional area (TCA), precocious branch blossom density, root suc 309 yield (CY), mean fruit weight (FW) and cumulative yield efficiency (CYE) on 12 rootstocks in Vineland, Ontario, Canada.

310 311

Cum. Root Suckers (no./tree) 2002-2008

Tree Survival (%)

TCA (cm 2 )

CY (kg/tree) 2000-2007

CYE (kg/cm 2 ) 2000-2007


Rootstock Edabriz Gi.195/20 Gi.3 Gi.5 Gi.6 Gi.7 Mahaleb






100 88

88 a z 88 a 100 a 88 a 100 a 100 a 100 a 100 a 88 a 100 a 38 b 100 a 0.0001

16.5e 42.0cd 17.0e 28.0de 53.0bc 39.7cd 76.3a 65.4ab 55.4bc 39.9cd 16.0e 28.7de 0.0001

36.2d 88.5cd 33.7d 57.3d 137.9bc 67.2d 245.1a 186.2b 185.4b 135.1bc 42.4d 93.5c 0.0001

10.8 b 2.6 b 4.2 b 0.5 b 1.5 b 5.5 b 2.4 b 27.4 ab 46.7 a 3.6 b 0.9 b 5.6 b 0.0001

6.6 cd z 12.3 bc 6.2 cd 10.5 cd 18.0 ac 10.5 cd 20.6 a 18.8 ab 15.3 abc 13.8 bc 4.5 d 13.5 b 0.0001

4.0 b 5.3 a 4.1 b 4.5 b 4.5 b 4.3 b 4.8 a 4.9 ab 4.5 b 4.6 b 4.7 b 4.6 b 0.001

1.35 a 1.04 ab 1.42 a 1.27 ab 0.99 ab 1.14 ab 0.62 b 0.86 ab 0.67 b 0.79 b

100 100 100 100 100 100 88 100 88 100 0.5792

W.10 W.13 W.158 W.53 W.72 P-value

1.34 ab 1.07 ab 0.3285 Z LSmeans within columns followed by common letters do not differ at the 5% level of significance by the simulate adjustment.

312 313 314 315 316 317

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