APS Journal July 2017
J ournal of the A merican P omological S ociety
still much lower than the ‘Newberry’ yield of 10.5 kg/plant observed in Willamette, OR (Finn et al., 2010). ‘Prime-Jim’ and ‘Prime-Jan’ performed simi- larly to the trailing types with a yield of 0.55 and 0.35 kg/plant, respectively. This is much lower than what was seen by Clark et al. (2005) in Aurora, OR where the average primocane yield over two years for ‘Prime-Jim’ and ‘Prime-Jan’ were 14.8 and 14.5 kg/plant, respectively. Clark et al. (2005) reported that primocane yield for both ‘Prime-Jim’ and ‘Prime-Jan’ varied greatly by location and in Clarksville, AR the three-year average primocane yield was 0.71 and 2.66 kg/ plant, respectively. The low yields reported in this study were likely related to growing season length, as the primocane fruiting types did not reach peak yield before cool fall temperatures slowed production (Table 3).
winter bud survival, and the trailing types were the lowest yielding cultivars in the study due to lack of winter hardiness. Of the 8 trailing culti- vars planted, Newberry was the highest yielding with an average of 0.93 kg/plant. ‘Newberry’ ac- tually had a higher average yield than two erect cultivars, Navaho and Kiowa. However, it was Table 3. First and last freeze dates recorded at the Utah State University Kaysville Research Farm, approx. 130 m from the blackberry plots. Freeze Dates Harvest Dates Last Spring First Fall First Last 2008 10-May 10-Oct 30-Jul 10-Oct 2009 27-Apr 2-Oct 8-Jul 28-Sep 2010 7-May 27-Oct 19-Jul 11-Oct 2011 2-May 26-Oct 20-Jul 9-Oct 2012 28-Apr 7-Oct 6-Jul 5-Oct
Table 4. Harvest season as defined by first, last and peak harvests of blackberry cultivars over two years, 2009 and 2011. 2009 2011 First Peak Last First Peak Last
Semi-erect Loch Ness
14-Jul 23-Jul 23-Jul
17-Aug 18-Sep 10-Aug 23-Sep 17-Aug 18-Sep 24-Aug 23-Sep 24-Aug 28-Sep 5-Aug 3-Sep 3-Aug 8-Sep 24-Aug 14-Sep 10-Aug 18-Sep 24-Aug 18-Sep 21-Jul 1-Sep
19-Jul 28-Jul
23-Aug 22-Sep 23-Aug 16-Sep
Triple Crown
1-Aug 21-Aug
Doyle’s Thornless 29-Jul Chester Thornless 31-Jul
4-Aug 27-Aug 16-Sep 1-Aug 29-Aug 22-Sep
Erect Arapaho Ouachita Kiowa Navaho Apache Trailing Siskyou Obsidian Metolius Illini Hardy
19-Jul 26-Jul 28-Jul
16-Jul 16-Jul 21-Jul 23-Jul 25-Jul
11-Aug 13-Sep 14-Aug 13-Sep
20-Aug 13-Sep
4-Aug 21-Aug
8-Jul 8-Jul 8-Jul 8-Jul
21-Jul 16-Jul 18-Jul 21-Jul 16-Jul 25-Jul 25-Jul 29-Jul
7-Aug 22-Aug 24-Aug 22-Aug 24-Aug 27-Aug 27-Aug 24-Aug
19-Jul 19-Jul 21-Jul 21-Jul 19-Jul 28-Jul 19-Jul 28-Jul
24-Jul 24-Jul 1-Aug 28-Jul
4-Aug 1-Aug 4-Aug 28-Jul
Black Diamond
10-Jul 10-Jul 14-Jul 14-Jul
1-Aug 14-Aug 27-Aug 22-Sep
ORUS 1793-1 ORUS 1939-4
30-Jul 28-Jul
21-Aug 1-Aug
Primocane-fruiting Prime-Jim
7-Aug 14-Sep 28-Sep 7-Aug 21-Sep 28-Sep
2-Oct 2-Oct
9-Oct 9-Oct
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