APS Journal April 2017

J ournal of the A merican P omological S ociety


Jam Code______________

1. Color Blue


2. Spreadability Easy (water) 3. Mouth Feel Thin (water)

Moderate (Syrup)

Firm (ice cream) Thick (cream) Firm (citrus rind)

4. Fruit Pieces (if present) Soft (descriptor) Moderate

5. Flavor None 6. Off-­‐Flavor None 7. Sweetness Dry 8. Bitterness None

Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Average

Intense Intense Intense Intense

9. Overall Quality Poor (unpalatable)


10. Would you buy this? YES

NO plemented with an unnumbered scalar range of seven boxes for recording scores (Fig. 2). All members of each group taste-tested the first sample (apricot control) together using the instructions (Fig. 1) and, once they had recorded their evaluative assessments of the

Fig. 2. Example score sheet used by each evaluator during the sensory evaluations.

ing procedures, use of the color chart ( cf. Fig. 3) and a review of the instruction (Fig. 1) and evaluation (Fig. 2) sheets. Amodifica- tion of the standard Hedonic 9-point (Law- less and Heymann, 2010; Basu et al. 2011) to 7-point scale (Grujić, et al., 2007) was im-

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