4 Table 2. Cultivars available at some point in 2022 from one or more of the following U.S. retail sites: Cricket Hill Garden, Elmore Roots Nursery, England's Orchard, Hidden Springs Nursery, Just Fruits and Exotics, Kiefer Nursery NC, Nash Nurseries, One Green World, Peaceful Heritage Nursery, Perfect Circle Farm, Raintree Nursery, Red Fern Farm, Restoring Eden, Tollgate Gardens. J ournal of the A merican P omological S ociety Table 2. Cultivars available at some point in 2022 from one or more of the following U.S. retail sites: Cricket Hill Garden, Elmore Roots Nursery, England's Orchard, Hidden Springs Nursery, Just Fruits and Exotics, Kiefer Nursery NC, Nash Nurseries, One Green World, Peaceful Heritage Nursery, Perfect Circle Farm, Raintree Nursery, Red Fern Farm, Restoring Eden, Tollgate Gardens. Table 2. Cultivars available at some point in 2022 from one or more of the following U.S. retail sites: Cricket Hill Garden, Elmore Roots Nursery, England’s Orchard, Hidden Springs Nursery, Just Fruits and Exotics, Kiefer Nu s ry NC, Nash Nurseries, One Gree World Peaceful He itage Nursery, Perfect Circle Farm, Raintree Nursery, Red Fern Farm, Restoring Eden, Tollgate Gardens. 8-20 9-58-? Al Horn White Flesh Allegheny Asterion Atria
8-20 Avatar
9-58-? Belle
Al Horn White Flesh Benny's Favorite Benny's Favorite Cluster
Allegheny Betria
Asterion Canopus Canopus Convis
Atria Cantaloupe Cantaloupe Davis Gainsville #2 Davis Gainsville #2 IXL
Avatar Carmelo Dr. Chill Carmelo Dr. Chill Gatria
Belle Caspian
Betria Collins
Caspian Ford Amend Ford Amend Golden Moon Golden Moon Jerry's Delight Jerry's Delight Lady D Lady D Marshmallow Marshmallow Overleese Prima 1216 Overleese Prima 1216 Rigel Spilt Milk Variegated Susquehanna Rigel Spilt Milk Variegated Taylor Susquehanna
Cluster Free Byrd
Collins Fulbright's Delight
Convis Gainsville #1 Gainsville #1 Honey Dew Honey Dew KSU Benson
Free Byrd Greenriver Belle Greenriver Belle Kentucky Champion
Fulbright's Delight Halvin KSU Atwood Halvin
Gatria Jerry's Big Girl Jerry's Big Girl LA Native
KSU Chappell
KSU Atwood Lehman's Chiffon Lehman's Delight Lynn's Favorite KSU Benson
KSU Chappell Mango
Kentucky Champion Mitchell
LA Native Maria's Joy
MSU Golden
Mango Nyomi's Delicious
Lehman's Chiffon Lehman's Delight Lynn's Favorite
Maria's Joy October Moon October Moon Potomac
PA Golden No. ? PA Golden No. 1 PA Golden No. 2 PA Golden No. 3
Mitchell Prolific
MSU Golden Quaker Delight SAA Zimmerman-#? Summer Delight Quaker Delight SAA Zimmerman-#? Summer Delight Sweet Alice
Nyomi's Delicious Rebecca's Gold
PA Golden No. ? PA Golden No. 1 PA Golden No. 2 PA Golden No. 3
Potomac Regulus
Prolific SAA-Overleese SAA-Overleese Sue
Rappahannock Shenandoah
Rebecca's Gold Sibley
Regulus Sidewinder Sidewinder Sunsprout Sunsprout Tallahatchie Tallahatchie VE-21
Shenandoah Sunflower
Sibley Sunglo
Sue Sweet
Sunflower Sweet Potato Sweet Potato Tropical Treat Tropical Treat Windstar
Sunglo Sweet Virginia Sweet Virginia UVM #1
Sweet Taytwo Walters Taytwo
Sweet Alice Tollgate
Taylor Wabash
Tollgate Wells
UVM #1 Zimmerman
Table 3. Names of 45 RAPD marker primer sequences used in coupled analysis of pawpaw genetic markers and ancestry records (Frost, 2022a). Table 3. Names of 45 RAPD marker primer sequences used in coupled analysis of pawpaw genetic mark ers and ancestry records (Frost, 2022a). Table 3. Names of 45 RAPD marker primer sequences used in coupled analysis of pawpaw genetic m rk rs and ancestry records (Frost, 2022a). A07-1600 A07-0600 A11-0850 A11-0600 A11-0425 A12-0550 B07-1200 B07-0550 B08-0900 B09-0900 B10-1775 B10-1200 B10-0950 B10-0900 B11-0525 C02-0650 C04-1300 C04-1675 C 4 175 C 8 425 C 15 C 3 13 C 5 1050 C 5 6 D 5 5 D 5 0 D 5 45 D 5 6 D05 05 D 5 055 D 5 425 D 6 10 D 6 D16 40 D16 0 25 D20 07 D20 00 E 1 850 E0 04 E 1 675 E 4 08 E 70 E16 05 E16 1025 E17 90 A07-1600 A07-0600 A11-0850 A11-0600 A11-0425 A12-0550 B07-1200 B07-0550 B08-0900 B09-0900 B10-1775 B10-1200 B10-0950 B10-0900 B11-0525 C02-0650 C04-1300 C04-1675 C04-1175 C08-0425 C11-1550 C13-1300 C15-1050 C15-0650 D05-1250 D05-0500 D05-0450 D05-0600 D05-0575 D15-0550 D15-0425 D16-1000 D16-0525 D16-0400 D16-0325 D20-0775 D20-1100 E01-0850 E01-0450 E11-1675 E14-0850 E15-0700 E16-0550 E16-1025 E17-0900
of specimens in irrigated and unirrigated orchards were recorded by investigators at Kentucky State University (Pomper et al., 2008). Of those in the irrigated plot for which there is also viable genomic data, only ‘Over leese’, ‘Susquehanna’, ‘Taylor’, and ‘Wells’
8 had survival rates in the range 75% to 88% and the remainder had no casualties. Aver age fruit weights at harvest were recorded by investigators at KSU, Ohio University, and North Carolina Cooperative Extension (Fig ure 2). The KSU investigators also contribut- 8
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