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Table 6. Trunk cross-sectional area (cm 2 , 2019) of Modi® trees after five years in the 2015 NC-140 Or ganic Apple Rootstock Trial. z Table 6. Trunk cross-sectional area (cm2, 2019) of Modi® trees after five years in the 2015 NC-140 Organic Apple Rootstock Trial. z Rootstock CA CO ID MA MI NM NS NYG NYI VT G.11 3.3 bcd 6.3 bc 8.5 cd 6.3 def 9.0 cde 7.4 ef 6.3 cd 7.9 c 6.4 cd 5.6 cde G.16 --- 1.1 e 5.3 de 3.5 f 7.1 def 5.3 f --- 5.0 c 3.7 d 3.5 e G.30 4.2 abc 6.8 b 11.8 ab 8.5 bc 10.2 c 11.2 b 7.8 bc 12.6 b 8.2 bc 6.6 bcd G.41 5.1 a 6.7 b 10.5 abc 7.9 bcd 13.6 b 9.9 bcd 8.3 b 9.8 bc 9.2 b 8.1 b G.202 4.9 ab 7.8 ab 10.8 abc 9.4 b 13.1 b 10.7 bc 9.3 b 12.5 b 9.3 b 8.0 b G.214 3.5 abcd 3.7 cde 7.4 de 6.9 cde 7.1 ef 6.9 ef 5.4 d 7.1 c 5.9 cd 5.6 cde G.222 1.5 d 2.4 de 4.3 e 4.5 ef 6.0 f 6.0 f 5.3 d 5.3 c 4.6 d 3.5 e G.890 4.6 abc 10.6 a 13.2 a 14.1 a 21.6 a 15.7 a 11.5 a 18.2 a 14.8 a 12.0 a G.935 4.0 abc 7.0 b 9.2 bcd 5.6 def 10.1 c 9.9 bcd 8.2 b 8.1 c 9.5 b 6.9 bc G.969 3.2 cd 5.0 bcd 9.0 bcd 6.4 de 7.6 def 8.8 cde 5.8 d 7.6 c 6.2 cd 4.8 cde M.9 NAKBT337 2.7 cd 6.2 bc 8.6 bcd 4.6 ef 9.5 cd 7.4 def 5.5 d 9.4 bc 5.0 d 4.6 de z alues within a column for location or rootstock which share a letter do not differ at α=0.05 using Tukey's HSD adjustment for multiple comparisons. Table 7. Cumulative yield per tree (kg, 2016-19) of Modi® trees after five years in the 2015 NC-140 Organic Apple Rootstock Trial. z Rootstock CA CO ID MA MI NM NS NYG NYI VT G.11 1.3 a 2.1 abc 20.0 a 1.4 ab 13.9 bcd 7.9 cde 9.1 c 10.3 abcd 8.7 ab 8.4 bc G.16 --- 0.5 c 1.4 b 0.5 b 5.0 e 4.8 de --- 4.6 e 2.0 c 4.4 c G.30 1.8 a 2.2 abc 11.7 ab 1.9 ab 13.3 cd 11.2 bc 10.8 bc 13.1 abc 7.5 b 15.3 a G.41 2.5 a 1.6 abc 10.0 ab 1.8 ab 18.7 ab 9.2 cd 10.4 bc 13.6 ab 9.3 ab 14.2 a G.202 2.7 a 1.7 abc 11.5 ab 1.7 ab 15.5 abc 6.5 de 9.2 c 9.5 cde 6.2 bc 9.3 bc G.214 1.6 a 1.1 bc 6.2 b 1.8 ab 8.0 e 9.1 cd 8.7 c 8.7 de 6.2 bc 12.1 ab G.222 0.0 a 0.6 c 13.2 ab 1.1 ab 4.0 e 4.2 e 6.0 c 5.2 e 2.7 c 6.9 c G.890 1.5 a 2.3 abc 15.2 ab 2.3 a 20.2 a 17.7 a 15.9 a 14.3 a 12.0 a 13.8 a G.935 2.9 a 2.2 abc 16.8 ab 1.9 ab 19.6 a 13.3 b 15.1 ab 12.2 abcd 12.0 a 14.0 a G.969 1.9 a 2.9 a 12.8 ab 2.4 a 8.9 de 7.5 cde 9.7 c 9.8 bcde 6.5 bc 8.8 bc M.9 NAKBT337 0.7 a 2.7 ab 14.3 ab 0.7 b 9.5 de 7.3 cde 9.3 c 8.2 de 6.5 bc 6.5 c z alues it i colu n for location or rootstock whic s are l tter do not differ at α=0.05 using Tukey's HSD adjustment for ltiple comparisons. Table 8. Cumulative yield efficiency (kg/cm2, 2016-19) of Modi® trees in the 2015 NC-140 Organic Apple Rootstock Trial. z Rootstock CA CO ID MA MI NM NS NYG NYI VT G.11 0.39 ab 0.31 ab 2.34 a 0.24 ab 1.57 ab 1.02 ab 1.43 ab 1.31 ab 1.30 a 1.54 abc G.16 --- 0.38 ab 0.57 a 0.13 b 0.76 d 0.94 abc --- 1.06 ab 0.57 c 1.37 abc G.30 0.47 ab 0.32 ab 1.03 a 0.27 ab 1.29 bcd 1.02 ab 1.41 ab 1.11 ab 0.95 abc 2.22 a G.41 0.48 ab 0.23 b 0.89 a 0.23 ab 1.43 bc 0.93 bc 1.29 ab 1.43 a 0.98 abc 1.73 abc G.202 0.53 ab 0.22 b 1.06 a 0.19 b 1.17 bcd 0.61 c 1.02 b 0.76 b 0.66 c 1.14 c G.214 0.45 ab 0.32 ab 0.83 a 0.27 ab 1.12 bcd 1.36 a 1.61 ab 1.26 ab 1.06 ab 2.13 a G.222 0.05 b 0.27 ab 2.88 a 0.27 ab 0.81 d 0.71 bc 1.19 ab 1.11 ab 0.60 c 1.91 ab G.890 0.29 ab 0.24 b 1.15 a 0.17 b 0.94 d 1.14 ab 1.45 ab 0.82 b 0.78 bc 1.18 bc G.935 0.71 a 0.32 ab 1.90 a 0.33 ab 1.90 a 1.35 a 1.91 a 1.62 a 1.27 a 1.99 a G.969 0.56 ab 0.57 a 1.42 a 0.40 a 1.18 bcd 0.85 bc 1.70 a 1.31 ab 1.07 ab 1.92 a M.9 NAKBT337 0.29 ab 0.41 ab 1.56 a 0.17 b 1.03 cd 0.98 abc 1.61 ab 0.98 ab 1.18 a 1.43 abc z alues ithin a column for location or rootstock which share a letter do not differ at α=0.05 using Tukey's HSD adjustment for multiple comparisons. z Values within a column for location or rootstock which share a letter do not differ at α=0.05 using Tukey's HSD adjustment for multiple comparisons. Table 7. Cumulative yield per tree (kg, 2016-19) of Modi® trees after five years in the 2015 NC-140 Organic Apple Rootstock Trial. z z Values within a column for location or rootstock which share a letter do not differ at α=0.05 using Tukey's HSD adjustment for multiple comparisons. Table 8. Cumulative yield efficiency (kg/cm2, 2016-19) of Modi® trees in the 2015 NC-140 Organic Apple Rootstock Trial. z z Values within a column for location or rootstock which share a letter do not differ at α=0.05 using Tukey's HSD adjustment for multiple comparisons.

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