APS_April 2023
April 2023
Volume 77 CONTENTS
Number 2
Published by THE AMERICAN POMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Journal of the American Pomological Society (ISSN 1527-3741) is published by the American Pomological Society as an annual volume of 4 issues, in January, April, July and October. Membership in the Society includes a volume of the Journal. Most back issues are available at various rates. Paid renewals not received in the office of the Business Manager by January 1 will be temporarily suspended until payment is received. For current membership rates, please consult the Business Manager. Editorial Office: Manuscripts and correspondence concerning editorial matters should be addressed to the Editor: Richard Marini, 203 Tyson Building, Department of Plant Science, University Park, PA 16802-4200 USA; Email: richmarini1@gmail.com. Manuscripts submitted for publication in Journal of the American Pomological Society are accepted after recommendation of at least two editorial reviewers. Guidelines for manuscript preparation are the same as those outlined in the style manual published by the American Society for Horticultural Science for HortScience, found at https://cdn.ymaws.com/ashs.org/resource/resmgr/publications/ashspubsstylemanual.pdf Postmaster: Send accepted changes to the Business office. Business Office : Correspondence regarding subscriptions, advertising, back issues, and Society membership should be addressed to the Business Office, C/O Heather Hilko, ASHS, 1018 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314; Tel 703-836 4606; Email: ashs@ashs.org Page Charges : A charge of $50.00 per page for members and $65.00 per page ($32.00 per half page) will be made to authors. In addition to the page charge, there will be a charge of $40.00 per page for tables, figures and photographs. Society Affairs : Matters relating to the general operation of the society, awards, committee activities, and meetings should be addressed to Michele Warmund, 1-31 Agriculture Building, Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia MO 65211; Email:warmundm@missouri.edu. Society Web Site : http://americanpomological.org Fire Blight Susceptibility of 20 Diverse Pear ( Pyrus spp.) Rootstock Breeding Parents – Zara York, Soon Li The, and Kate Evans......................................................................................................... 66 Summer Applications of Plant Growth Regulators, Ethephon And 1-Naphthaleneacetic Acid, Do Not Promote Return Bloom or Reduce Biennial Bearing in Seven High-Tannin Cider Apple Cultivars - David L. Zakalik, Michael G. Brown, Craig J. Kahlke, and Gregory M. Peck. .......... 75 Rio Grande do Sul Feral Olives may Increase the Species Genetic Variability – Juan M. Caballero and Guajara J. Oliveira................................................................................................................... 93 Effects of Vaccinium arboreum Rootstocks on Yield and Fruit Quality of ‘Patrecia’ Southern Highbush Blueberry Grown with Minimum Soil Amendment - Cecilia Rubert Heller, Gerardo H. Nunez, and Jeffrey G. Williamson. .............................................................................................. 103 Sorbus sensu lato: A Complex Genus with Unfulfilled Crop Potential – Ryan King, Nahla Bassil, Todd Rounsaville, and Lauri Reinhold ........................................................................................ 110 About the Cover: ‘Tozumal’ Mamey Sapote.................................................................................. 92 Instructions to Authors. ................................................................................................................ 128
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